Research - News
UAB’s School of Dentistry has ranked first in NIDCR funding since 2012.
Failure of hormone deprivation therapy used to slow prostate cancer in patients leads to castration-resistant prostate cancer, a lethal form of advanced disease with limited treatment options. Endostatin, used in combination therapy, may help delay onset of castration-resistant disease.
New data from the REGARDS study show that blacks with the sickle cell trait are more likely to develop kidney failure requiring dialysis.
UAB launches the Alabama Genomic Health Initiative, a statewide effort to use the power of genomics to improve health in Alabama.

New research from UAB sheds light on the connection between Parkinson’s disease and the trillions of bacteria in our guts. 

Increased longevity of those living with HIV means dealing with related health issues, including dementia and other cognition-related problems. An NIH grant supports development of interventions, treatments to improve everyday functioning, and quality of life.
The Blazer42 Capture the Flag Scholarship Competition provides valuable experience to high school students in an effort to inspire more to pursue careers in cybersecurity.
The findings suggest targeting specific T-cell subsets may be a therapeutic approach to prevent heart failure after a heart attack.
A UAB study shows children receiving early preventive dental care from a dentist had more frequent tooth decay-related treatment, a higher rate of visits and higher annual dental expenditures.
Matt Might, Ph.D., a strategic leader in the White House Precision Medicine Initiative, has been named the inaugural director of the Hugh Kaul Personalized Medicine Institute at UAB.
UAB will bring proton therapy, one of the most technically advanced forms of cancer-killing radiation, to Alabama with the new Proton Therapy Center.
A 90-ton machine called a cyclotron will accelerate protons to very high speeds to impact human tumors.
The function and structure of protein GARP2 in rod cells of the retina is still not clear, but researchers have shown that GARP2 accelerates retinal degeneration in mice, and have made an important step toward creating a standardized nomenclature between mice and humans for a measurement of retinal degeneration.
The Suki Foundation, Children’s of Alabama and UAB have established an endowed professorship in Rett syndrome.
Tuberculosis kills 1.8 million people a year, and 10 million more are infected. Development of host-cell directed therapies that could restore cellular function during M. tuberculosis infection, such as a “release and kill” strategy, could shorten drug treatment of TB patients.
It appears that new cells compete to ‘win’ synapse connections away from old cells, which promotes network plasticity.
Research from UAB suggests that nearly half of children with the most common type of leukemia or their parents say they took more medications than they actually did.
UAB engineers will serve in a consortium of 10 Southeastern universities to develop novel strategies for traffic problems.
Abnormal antibody production that allows inflammation leading to AIDS is detected by analysis of antibodies in gut fluid of HIV-1-infected people.
In another example of precision medicine, UAB researchers have used IPF patients own lung tissue to create models to determine the most effective medication for that patient.
Cardiac muscle patches in this proof-of-concept research may represent an important step toward the clinical use of 3-D-printing technology, as researchers have grown heart tissue by seeding a mix of human cells onto a 1-micron-resolution scaffold made with a 3-D printer.
This study shows how stress blocks the release of an anti-anxiety neuropeptide in the brain, and it could pave the way for new therapeutic targets for PTSD.
A significant new study by The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network, including a UAB physician-scientist, uncovers genetic mutations of cervical cancer that hold a key to targeting and treating the disease.
Thanks to the popular TV show Blacklist, America is becoming familiar with CRISPR, a revolutionary gene-editing tool. UAB scientists and students explain how it works — and how they are using these “molecular scissors” to cut a path toward genetic cures for sickle cell and brain diseases
UAB’s Center for Exercise Medicine has two exercise studies underway, one for patients needing joint replacement and one to boost muscle in seniors.
A seven-year effort led by a UAB neurologist has established the first guidelines for the use of fMRI in epilepsy surgery.
For women with a prior low transverse incision cesarean delivery, the decision to undergo a vaginal delivery or elect to have a repeat cesarean delivery has important clinical and economic ramifications.
Pediatric patients admitted to intensive care units face increased risk of death from sudden kidney problems.
A UAB study shows that evaluation from a vision specialist should be included in return-to-learn concussion protocols.
UAB will study a drug originally developed for Parkinson’s disease that may help reduce breath holding in patients with Rett syndrome.
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