Research - News
Vascular stiffening and calcification, which is accelerated by aging, affects multiple organs and plays a role in dementia. There are no treatments for vascular calcification, which makes arteries harden.
The model may provide novel insights into RP59 disease mechanism that will guide future testing of therapeutic interventions.
UAB researchers leverage All of Us Research Program nationwide data from a diverse group of individuals to show that the genetic risk of hypertension varied between males and females.
Researchers have identified a gut-lung axis driven by intestinal antimicrobial peptide expression and mediated by the intestinal microbiota that is linked to lung injury in newborns.
Project TransTeam Evolution strives to improve outcomes for young children with high-intensity needs and their families through evidence-based practices and advance equity for children from diverse cultural, structural and socioeconomic backgrounds.
UAB researchers say this study underscores the significance of addressing food insecurity among college students, not only for its direct impact on BMI but also for its indirect effects on diet habits and psychological well-being.
The world’s first clinical trial of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta found that patients treated with REBOA were more likely to die than those who did not undergo REBOA.
Researchers found 19 Bacteroides vulgatus genes that were unique to three strains that show early engraftment in patients after a fecal transplant, as opposed to seven strains that did not show early engraftment. Most transplant failures occur in the first four weeks.
UAB researchers conducted a landmark study that established the reference intervals for natriuretic peptides — hormones that regulate a range of beneficial bodily functions — and revealed that natriuretic peptide deficiency increases the risk of cardiometabolic diseases.
Cong’s research indicates the increased vulnerability of older adults to climate change impacts while also highlighting their resilience capacity in the face of disasters, offering valuable insights for policy development and disaster preparedness.
Analysis of a survey of 18,041 people in rural KwaZulu-Natal revealed a discrepancy between the ability of the South African health system to respond to the health needs of people with communicable diseases and the health needs of people with non-communicable diseases.
This new grant will be used to develop a full-scale family of devices for inhaled nitric oxide delivery for patients with pulmonary hypertension that can be used in health care facilities and for at-home care.
The Blazer Bridge Fund is intended to identify and assist in the development of promising ideas, discoveries, innovations and/or technologies from UAB faculty and staff that have commercial potential. 
UAB researchers conducted a study in end-stage heart failure patients with cardiogenic shock that revealed that B-type natriuretic peptide levels were elevated in end-stage heart failure but did not predict clinical outcomes.
Lung-resident memory B cells produced during influenza are long-living immune cells that migrate to the lungs from draining lymph nodes and lie in wait as early responders that can quickly react to future infections. They are key sentinels against subsequent viral variants.
The M.D./Ph.D. student has since moved on to clinical studies, but the research into possible drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease continues.
The modified mRNA — delivered after experimental heart attacks — transiently allows heart muscle cells to proliferate, leading to reduced infarct size and improved heart performance compared to untreated animals.
While preventive treatment with vigabatrin delayed the onset and prevalence of infantile spasms in TSC infants, it had no impact on focal seizures, drug-resistant epilepsy, or improvement of cognitive and behavioral scores at 24 months.
UAB researchers make a case for utilizing telehealth technologies in the care of injured rural patients stating that teletrauma can improve access to trauma care for rural patients.
The study’s findings provide valuable insights into the role of diet composition in Type 2 diabetes management.
Rachel Smith, Ph.D., professor in the UAB School of Engineering and principal investigator in the Neural Signal Processing and Modeling lab, was recently awarded multiple grants to fund research in seizure onset localization.
Since 1985, the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study has examined the factors that contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease to better understand the natural history of cardiovascular disease over the adult life course.
These results add an additional, mechanistic aspect to further explain how the decades-old blood pressure medication verapamil can preserve beta cell function in Type 1 diabetes patients by affecting the hormone insulin-like growth factor 1.
This is the first direct evidence that resident microbiota can have a significant impact on the establishment and pathology of infection by two different human-specific pathogens.
TCE is a known environmental risk factor for parkinsonism. UAB researchers will evaluate whether T cell activation caused by TCE exposure leads to cognitive decline.
Some PD-1+CXCR5+CD4+ T cells will become germinal center-Tfh cells that are essential for B cells to become high-affinity antibody-producing cells. Others do not take that path, instead becoming memory T cells.
The new technology will allow for non-invasive assessments for dry eye disease and inform the development of new treatments.
Periodontal disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults and may be a risk factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
In a mouse model, border-associated macrophages, not microglia, were essential for the neuroinflammation that precedes neurodegradation. Targeting this subset could be a disease-modifying therapy in neurodegenerative disease.
$46 million awarded by NIH to UAB and partners allows researchers to continue following participants enrolled in the national Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study.
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