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It’s not always easy, but a cancer education expert and survivor offer ways to make it through the workday despite having the disease.
UAB experts offer tips for selecting after-school activities.
Heading back to the classroom can make some children anxious, but UAB experts say good communication can help ease back-to-school fears.

For teachers and parents of a child with ADHD, the beginning of school leads to new challenges and opportunities for learning.

A good night’s sleep and filling breakfast means more for your child’s academic performance than you may think.
A UAB personal finance expert offers easy and creative ways to save a buck when buying new supplies for school-aged kids.

From planning, to traveling, to coordinating daily schedules while on vacation – the break from work may not be enough to help mental wellbeing. 

Active kids and sugary snacks can spell trouble for teeth during the summer.

Even when kids are out of school, UAB’s Lynn Kirkland has tips on how parents can keep them engaged, interested and ready to learn.

With a little help from parents, young musicians can get in the habit of successful practice over the summer and go back to school better than ever.

A UAB professor offers a checklist for safe play at indoor playgrounds.

There’s been a string of large, deadly tornadoes impacting the United States in recent years, and UAB researchers say benefits of preparation trump previous false alarms.
UAB cancer expert provides the deeper understanding on summer skin protection from UV rays, offers helpful tips.
With warmer weather come opportunities to wear shorts and swimsuits, and many focus on weight loss; these diet and exercise tips from experts can help.

UAB experts share tips on making physical activity fun this summer.

Summer rental fraud is a growing problem; knowing what to look for and how to protect yourself will keep you from getting burned on vacation.

As the number of children with autism increases, a UAB professor offers tips for parents new to its world.
There are endless opportunities to spend a small fortune on a box of pills promising to ease hunger and help lose weight – but they may not be safe, so try natural techniques.
Adults are not the only ones who should focus on good heart health. A UAB doctor explains when heart healthy habits need to start.

If you exercise, eat right and don’t smoke, a history of heart disease in your family can still put you at risk — even if you are a female.

Make 2013 memorable by following these UAB doctor-recommended lifestyle changes.
UAB health and nutrition experts say it’s easy for eating to get out of control this time of year, with long-term health consequences.
Visiting jolly old Saint Nick for that prized photo of your kids on his lap can be fun, but if your children are apprehensive, one UAB psychologist has advice on how to help them.

Is a pleasantly plump Santa Claus a bad role model in a nation dealing with out-of-control obesity rates? UAB’s Beth Kitchin says: not so much.

Worried about memory loss? A UAB neurologist provides warning signs and prevention strategies

Stage a “practice run” before your child goes off to school, a UAB professor says.

Persistence and sacrifice are central to success, says UAB expert who competed on the world stage as a teen.

Create a plan to make learning fun and get a leg up on the next school year so summertime fun doesn’t result in learning loss.

UAB health experts say you can shed some pounds for the summer by making simple — but safe — changes.

Skimping on nutrition and proper sleep can blur your child’s focus on schoolwork, professor says.

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