David Winwood, Ph.D., will join UAB as the chief executive officer of the UAB Research Foundation. His appointment is effective March 10, 2008.

January 30, 2008

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- David Winwood, Ph.D., will join UAB as the chief executive officer of the UAB Research Foundation. His appointment is effective March 10, 2008.

Winwood, the associate vice chancellor of technology development and innovation at North Carolina State University (NCSU), brings more than 25 years’ experience in academia and the private sector including the licensing and management of university intellectual property, contract negotiation and university-industry sponsored research program coordination.

“David Winwood clearly understands the complexities involved with moving the discoveries made in a university’s research laboratories to the marketplace where they can impact people’s lives and health,” said Dr. Richard Marchase, vice president for research and economic development, in making the announcement. “His expertise will help UAB as we continue to move discoveries from bench to bedside to enhance the lives of people in Alabama and beyond, as well as impact our economy.”

At NCSU, Winwood has been responsible for the commercialization and management of the university’s intellectual property portfolio including start-up company formation and traditional licensing to industry. Additionally, he was part of the leadership team responsible for the development and growth of Centennial Campus at NCSU, a mixed-use campus that is home to academic, corporate and government entities. In 2007, the campus was named the Outstanding Research and Science Park of the Year by the Association of University Research Parks.

Winwood spent two years at The Ohio State University as associate vice president for knowledge transfer and commercialization. This was after his first four-year stint at NCSU when he was associate vice chancellor and director of technology transfer and associate director of the office of technology transfer and industry research.

Winwood also worked at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as associate director of the office of technology development.

Additionally, he has worked for several emerging companies and organizations responsible for assisting such companies.

The UAB Research Foundation (UABRF) was formed in 1987 as a non-profit corporation with a mission to identify, assess, and market commercially viable technology developed at UAB. The UABRF is the assignee of all intellectual property developed at the University. It reviews invention disclosures and initiates domestic and foreign patent filings. It also negotiates, manages, and monitors research, option and licensing agreements with outside parties on behalf of the University.