BIRMINGHAM, AL — Valorie Tucker, C.R.N.P., a nurse on the Critical Care Transport (CCT) team at UAB Hospital, is among seven Alabamians selected by the Alabama Hospital Association to receive its annual “Health Care Heroes “ award.

BIRMINGHAM, AL — Valorie Tucker, C.R.N.P., a nurse on the Critical Care Transport (CCT) team at UAB Hospital, is among seven Alabamians selected by the Alabama Hospital Association to receive its annual “Health Care Heroes “ award.

As the UAB CCT team’s first full-time neonatal nurse practitioner, Tucker has transported more than 1,000 babies throughout the world by ground ambulance and jet. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, she was among the first CCT teams to enter New Orleans. Her team helped evacuate critically ill infants and adults to safety at UAB and other hospitals.

“Valorie takes neonatal critical care to outlying communities to the very sickest of infants and gets them to where they need to go to survive,” said UAB Hospital Associate Vice President Robert Cofield, Dr.P.H. “She is the turning point in many babies’ lives.”

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UAB Hospital's Valorie Tucker, C.R.N.P. (pictured), one of Alabama's latest 'Health Care Heroes.'

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UAB Hospital's Valorie Tucker, C.R.N.P. (pictured), one of Alabama's latest "Health Care Heroes."