BIRMINGHAM, AL — The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama system, meeting April 7 in Huntsville, approved emeriti appointments for eight UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham) faculty members.

April 11, 2006

BIRMINGHAM, AL — The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama system, meeting April 7 in Huntsville, approved emeriti appointments for eight UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham) faculty members.

They are:

  • Herbert C. Cheung, Ph.D., a UAB faculty member since 1969, professor emeritus of biochemistry and molecular genetics, schools of Medicine and Dentistry;

  • William E. Dismukes, M.D., who joined the UAB faculty in 1971, professor emeritus of medicine, School of Medicine;

  • James E. Flege, Ph.D., a UAB faculty member since 1982, professor emeritus, School of Health Related Professions;

  • Juanzetta S. Flowers, D.S.N., who joined the UAB faculty in 1978, associate professor emerita, School of Nursing;

  • Janice D. Hall, M.A.Ed., R.T., a UAB faculty member since 1990, associate professor emerita of diagnostic and therapeutic sciences, School of Health Related professions;

  • Myung-Hi Kim Oh, M.D., who joined the UAB faculty in 1985, professor emeritus of pediatrics in the School of Medicine;

  • Susan L. Perkins, M.A., R.T., a UAB faculty member since 1981, associate professor emerita of critical care, School of Health Related Professions; and

  • Jay A. Smith, Jr., Ph.D., who joined the UAB faculty in 1991, professor emeritus, School of Business.