University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) academic adviser Christopher “Kip” Hubbard of Hueytown has been selected as the winner of the Outstanding Advising Certificate of Merit Award in the Academic Advising-Primary Role category from the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).

May 2, 2006

BIRMINGHAM, AL — University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) academic adviser Christopher “Kip” Hubbard of Hueytown has been selected as the winner of the Outstanding Advising Certificate of Merit Award in the Academic Advising-Primary Role category from the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).

Hubbard is an academic adviser in the UAB School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. He will be presented with the award in Indianapolis during the annual NACADA National Conference in October. He is one of seven winners in the Academic Advising-Primary Role category.

The Certificate of Merit award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding academic advising of students or outstanding academic advising administration. The Academic Advising-Primary Role category includes individuals whose primary role at the institution is the direct delivery of advising services to students.

NACADA promotes quality academic advising and professional development of its membership to enhance the educational development of students. The organization has more than 9,000 members consisting of faculty, advisers, administrators, counselors and others in academic and student affairs concerned with the intellectual, personal and vocational needs of students.