Mary Nash, executive director for UAB Hospital, announced today that she is resigning. Nash has served as executive director since 2002 and has been with the hospital since 1994.

September 23, 2004

BIRMINGHAM, AL — Mary Nash, executive director for UAB Hospital, announced today that she is resigning. Nash has served as executive director since 2002 and has been with the hospital since 1994.

“My husband has opportunities outside of the area and staying in Birmingham is not an option. I made a commitment to stay at UAB until the construction for the new hospital was completed and now I have to begin to make preparations for our family to move,” Nash said. “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at UAB and have worked with many outstanding people. I have been in health care for 30 years and the best 10 years have been those here at UAB. I will miss the fabulously dedicated faculty and staff who make University Hospital the wonderful place that it is.”

“Mary has made significant contributions throughout her time at UAB and we all wish her the best,” said David Hoidal, CEO of the UAB Health System. “I will evaluate the administrative structure of the hospital and how it fits within the health system and then begin to recruit for a replacement.”

Nash joined UAB as senior associate executive director and chief nursing officer for the hospital. She was named chief operating officer in 2000 and executive director in 2002.

During Nash’s tenure, UAB was named a Magnet Hospital for excellence in nursing, a designation given to less than 100 of the 5,800 hospitals in the nation. Additionally, this year U.S. News & World Report ranked 14 specialties at UAB Hospital as among the best in the nation. This is the highest number of specialties ever ranked for UAB.