Duck-Hee Kang, Ph.D., associate professor of nursing with the School of Nursing at UAB, has been named to serve as a member of the Nursing Science: Adults and Older Adults Study Section of the Center for Scientific Review, a center of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). She will serve through June 2008.

Posted on August 17, 2004 at 1:44 p.m.

BIRMINGHAM, AL — Duck-Hee Kang, Ph.D., associate professor of nursing with the School of Nursing at UAB, has been named to serve as a member of the Nursing Science: Adults and Older Adults Study Section of the Center for Scientific Review, a center of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). She will serve through June 2008. As a member of the study section, Kang will review grant applications submitted to NIH, make recommendations on these applications to the appropriate NIH advisory council and survey the status of research in her field. Kang was chosen on the basis on her achievement in nursing science as evidenced by her research accomplishments, publications in scientific journals and other activities and honors.