Health InfoNet, a health and wellness informational Web site sponsored by three local public libraries, has won the 2004 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) Blue Ribbon Consumer Health Information Recognition Award for Libraries for Alabama.

Posted on July 29, 2004 at 2:00 p.m.

BIRMINGHAM, AL — Health InfoNet, a health and wellness informational Web site sponsored by three local public libraries, has won the 2004 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) Blue Ribbon Consumer Health Information Recognition Award for Libraries for Alabama. Health InfoNet is a joint project of the Lister Hill Library for the Health Sciences at UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham) and the public libraries of Jefferson and Shelby counties.

Outstanding libraries and information distribution organizations in 38 states have been recognized for their contribution to health awareness and health education by the NCLIS.

“The purpose of the awards is to help increase awareness of healthy lifestyles,” said NCLIS Chair Beth Fitzsimmons. “Millions of Americans are diagnosed each year with chronic diseases, which in many cases could have been avoided had the individuals followed healthier lifestyles.”

The three libraries won the joint award for their efforts in providing accurate, useful consumer health information to the people of Alabama through the formation of Health InfoNet, a collaborative consumer health information service for the citizens of Shelby and Jefferson counties. The Health InfoNet Program exemplifies the role libraries can play in increasing awareness of consumer health-related issues and encouraging healthy lifestyles, resulting in a healthier, well-informed community.