For those who have helped lay the foundation for excellence at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Business, the school has found a way to physically recognize their generous contributions.

Posted on March 23, 2004 at 9:45 a.m.

BIRMINGHAM, AL — For those who have helped lay the foundation for excellence at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Business, the school has found a way to physically recognize their generous contributions.

The UAB School of Business is honoring its major contributors with a reception and the unveiling of a donor wall, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 25. The wall is located in the lobby of the Business-Engineering Complex, 1150 10th Avenue South, and represents 167 donors, 32 years of generosity and more than $13 million.

“Donor support has brought us into national prominence as one of the nation’s top urban business schools during our first 32 years,” said Robert Holmes, Ph.D., dean of the UAB School of Business. “Through their generosity, we have been able to produce unique and highly qualified employees to the business world. UAB prides itself on the quality of its graduates, the caliber of their excellence and how determined they are to succeed. It is increasingly evident that institutions most successful in generating private support will be in the best position to maintain a competitive edge in the market for excellent faculty, students, programs and facilities.”

The list of donors, friends, alumni, corporations and foundations on the wall of honor represents cumulative gifts and pledges received over the past 32 years, through November 2003. It will be updated annually.