The Campaign for UAB officially ended December 31, 2003, having raised more than $388.7 million, but the drive to maintain the momentum is just beginning.

Posted on February 12, 2004 at 9:45 a.m.

BIRMINGHAM, AL — The Campaign for UAB officially ended December 31, 2003, having raised more than $388.7 million, but the drive to maintain the momentum is just beginning.

This campaign, the largest fund-raising effort ever undertaken by a university in Alabama, substantially exceeded its original $250 million goal and also the $350 million revised goal established in 2000. And the campaign ended with a bang, with the final year totals exceeding $71 million and a final month bringing in $6.7 million.

Now university administrators will focus their attention on strengthening and broadening the relationships that have been developed within UAB and among its alumni and the community so they may identify and respond to future needs.

“This has been a remarkable journey, made possible by the tremendous support and dedicated commitment of our campaign leadership, our UAB faculty and staff and of course the financial commitments of some 52,000 individuals, corporations and foundations,” President Carol Z. Garrison said. Garrison said that the money already is at work on campus in the form of new student scholarships, new endowed faculty positions and new and improved laboratories and other facilities.

“Needless to say, we are committed to moving this momentum forward by working to meet future needs and goals,” said Shirley Salloway Kahn, vice president for development, alumni and external relations.

Garrison credited those who were able to so persuasively communicate UAB’s needs and goals with an overall response to The Campaign for UAB “that really has been amazing. We would like to especially thank our campaign co-chairs Margaret Porter, Mike Goodrich and Julian Banton, and Shirley Salloway Kahn and the entire development team.”

A final snapshot of the contributions and their uses follows:

  • As of December 31, 2003, the $388.7 million raised to date includes:

    $27.4 million for 126 new endowed scholarships and fellowships;

    $46.5 million for 56 endowed chairs and professorships;

    $41.8 million for building construction, renovation and equipment;

    $273 million for academic program enhancements and technology.

  • Campaign totals include:

    295 gifts of $100,000 or more,

    174 gifts of $250,000 or more and

    60 gifts of $1 million or more.

  • The largest gift to the campaign was $20,303,050 from the estate of Jane Knight Lowe of Huntsville.

  • The largest foundation gift was from the Hugh Kaul Foundation — $6.75 million, primarily for the Hugh Kaul Human Genetics Building.

  • Alumni gifts total $20.4 million.

  • Members of the UAB faculty and staff, along with recent retirees, made contributions and commitments totaling more than $11.3 million, exceeding the $10 million goal.

  • Over 99% of the funds raised were restricted for purposes designated by the donor.

  • Of the $313 million recorded as current outright gifts and pledges to the campaign, $287.5 million, or slightly more than 92 percent of that total, is already being put to work for the purpose given.