May 12, 2000
BIRMINGHAM, AL — Gene Newport, Ph.D., could have authored a run-of-the-mill-business book, but he chose to do something unusual: write a book of sayings, quips and proverbs that could be applied to management. The result, his book Management: Up, Down and Inside Out has recently been released by electronic publisher The 1stBooks Library.
The book, which consists of 450 short sayings to help guide managerial thought and action, was designed for people who don’t want to read a thick, wordy treatise on management. Newport said the book is “short and to the point. It includes no pet theories, no survey results, no case analyses and no quantitative data. In addition, you don’t have to read it chapter by chapter. That’s because there are no chapters.
“This format lets you read as much, or as little, as you can stand at any one time,” Newport said. “You will get some new ideas, experience lots of positive reinforcement, and find that you really can smile while reading a book on management.”
Newport, a professor of management and dean emeritus at the UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham) School of Business, has extensive experience in business management issues. Newport has provided consulting services for banks, insurance companies, educational institutions, utilities, construction firms, fast-food chains, hospitals and government agencies.
Management: Up, Down and Inside Out is a downloadable “eBook” and available for a fee on the World Wide Web and can be ordered from other online and bricks-and-mortar bookstores.
For more information, call Newport at (205) 969-3337.