An unpublished novel written by University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) graduate student Vaibhav Saini has been nominated for the 2008 Man Asian Literary Prize.

July 29, 2008

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - An unpublished novel written by University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) graduate student Vaibhav Saini has been nominated for the 2008 Man Asian Literary Prize.

The award recognizes the best new Asian literature and brings it to the attention of the world literary community. A winner is selected annually by a panel of judges. Works submitted for consideration must be unpublished in English, but can be published in other languages.

Saini's novel, "On the Edge of Pandemonium," has been placed on the Man Asian Literary Prize long list, which includes 21 unpublished works by established and first-time authors from around Asia. The short list will be announced in October. The winner will be announced Thursday, Nov. 13, at an awards ceremony in Hong Kong.

Saini, a native of New Delhi, India, is a student in the UAB Cellular and Molecular Physiology Graduate Program.