The U.S. stock market’s DOW Jones Industrial Average opened for regular trading Friday morning and immediately lost 5 percent of its value to reach a more than five-year low, according to

October 24, 2008

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - The U.S. stock market's DOW Jones Industrial Average opened for regular trading Friday morning and immediately lost 5 percent of its value to reach a more than five-year low, according to  Stocks tumbled at the open of regular trading after premarket trading overnight was frozen when stock futures reached their maximum allowed drop in value, posting loses of 5.5 percent.

With major stock sell-offs expected Friday, UAB assistant professor of Finance Stephanie Rauterkus, Ph.D., is available for expert commentary.  Rauterkus is able to break-down the stock sell-off and what it means for investors as well as the general public.

Rauterkus is available Friday, Oct. 24, from 12 to 3 p.m.