University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) senior Pratik Talati, 21, of Pelham, has been elected to a one-year term on the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) board of directors as a student representative. He is the second UAB student to be elected to the national board.

    December 16, 2008

Pratik Talati. Download image.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) senior Pratik Talati, 21, of Pelham, has been elected to a one-year term on the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) board of directors as a student representative. He is the second UAB student to be elected to the national board.

Talati was one of five students nominated for NCHC board membership. He was elected in a nationwide ballot election by directors of honors programs and honors colleges.

As a board member, Talati will attend meetings representing the interests of honors students throughout the country. He also will play a major role at the annual NCHC conference in Washington D.C., next fall.

Talati is a chemistry and mathematics major and a student in the UAB University Honors Program. He is a recipient of the prestigious Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship. In addition, he has been a member of the UAB Ambassadors, the UAB Trailblazers and the Undergraduate Student Government Association's Finance Committee. Talati is a former student vice president of the Southern Regional Honors Council. He is the son of Ashvin and Alka Talati of Pelham.

The NCHC is the professional association of undergraduate honors programs and colleges.