Concerns about higher education funding amid the souring economy has led a record number of UAB students to sign up to attend the annual Higher Education Day rally this week in Montgomery.

March 4, 2009

Concerns about higher education funding amid the souring economy has led a record number of UAB students to sign up to attend the annual Higher Education Day rally this week in Montgomery. More than 100 UAB students will join other students from across the state to encourage lawmakers to make equitable spending cuts during this legislative session. The rally is sponsored by the Higher Education Partnership, an Alabama advocacy group for the state's public universities.

Buses will leave campus at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, March 5 at the UAB Hill University Center at the corner of 15th Street South and University Blvd. Buses will return the same afternoon.

Students from UAB's Undergraduate Student Government Association and other campus groups will attend the rally scheduled for 11 a.m. on the front steps of the Alabama State Capitol. After the rally, the students will have the chance to meet with various lawmakers.