Explore UAB

Research January 31, 2020

Photo: Lynn NicholsUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Alternate Pathways Lynn Nichols, PhD, RN-BC, SANE, presented at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Baccalaureate Education Conference in November 2019.

Nichols is a founding director of the National RN-Baccalaureate Faculty Forum, along with University of Rochester’s Margaret Carno, PhD, MBA, MJ, RN, CPNP, D,ABSM, FNAP, FAAN.

Their presentation, “Trends and Emergent Solutions for Innovation in RN-Baccalaureate Education” discussed the history of RN-BSN education, contemporary initiatives and challenges experienced by RN-BSN faculty. They also discussed the development and progress of the RN-Baccalaureate faculty forum, which was created in 2018.

Nichols is a three-time graduate of the UAB School of Nursing earning her BSN (1989), MSN (1993) and PhD (2000) from the School.

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