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Research February 06, 2024

Photo of Asiah Ruffin

By Pareasa Rahimi

A University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing team has received the American College of Healthcare Executives 2024 Edgar C. Hayhow Award for article of the year for “Understanding the Impact of Span of Control on Nurse Managers and Hospital Outcomes,” published in the Journal of Healthcare Management.

The article analyzes factors related to nurse manager workloads and provides practical implications health care executives can consider to better support nurse managers. Co-authors include School of Nursing PhD student Asiah Ruffin, RN (BSN 2019); Dean and Fay B. Ireland Endowed Chair in Nursing Maria R. Shirey, PhD, MBA, MS, RN, NEA-BC, ANEF, FACHE, FNAP, FAAN; Professor and Rachel Z. Booth Endowed Chair in Nursing Patricia A. Patrician, PhD, RN, FAAN; Associate Professor Pariya Wheeler, PhD; and Assistant Professor Tracey Dick, PhD, RN, CNE, COI, CPPS (PhD 2020).

“I am honored that my team’s work has been acknowledged by the American College of Healthcare Executives. My favorite quote is, ‘be the change you wish to see,’ and this attitude is a significant driver in my passion for studying nurse leaders,” Ruffin said. “The article is a first step in generating knowledge that health care systems can use to support, develop and advance nursing leadership. This award is a testament to the quality of mentorship delivered at the UAB School of Nursing. Working on this prestigious team of scientists and nurse leaders is among many opportunities I have had to grow as a leader and contribute to nursing science, which is the foundation of our School’s mission.”

The award will be presented at the ACHE Congress in March.

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