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Research October 02, 2019

Photo: Caitlin CampbellUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing PhD student Caitlin Campbell, BSN, recently was selected to presented her research poster at the Alabama State Nurses’ Association Annual Convention.

Her poster, titled “Generational Preferences in the Nursing Work Environment: A Dimensional

Analysis,” detailed her research on the meaning of a favorable nursing work environment through the perspective of three generations currently employed in the nursing workforce: Baby Boomers, Generation Xers and Millennials.

To determine workplace preferences, Campbell referenced multiple publications and data published in the last 10 years.

Campbell found that all generations believe pay/benefits, managers and leadership, nursing practice and unit characteristics, and team were important work environment characteristics. Millennials also mentioned a theme of “self” as a work environment preference.

Taking generational preferences as well as unifying themes into account is important in practice, Campbell said, because those preferences can impact nurse, patient and organizational outcomes.

“I enjoyed the opportunity to present my poster at ASNA and receive feedback from conference attendees who were excited about this area of research,” Campbell said. “As I pursue my PhD, I hope to continue researching the nursing work environment and how to help current and future nurses love the work of nursing.”

“I enjoyed the opportunity to present my poster at ASNA and receive feedback from conference attendees …,” Campbell said. “As I continue to pursue my PhD, I hope to continue researching …”

Campbell’s mentor is Professor and of NursingRachel Z. Booth Endowed Chair in Nursing Pat Patrician, PhD, RN, FAAN. Campbell earnedreceived her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the UAB School of Nursing in 2013.

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