
Will oversee accreditation of schools of nursing

Colette Nelson turned to nutrition and exercise in her battle with Type 1 diabetes

BVAHCS, UABSON residency prepares leaders with expertise in Veteran-centric care

Work will guide national teaching resource

Students can complete a seamless pathway from an associate degree to a bachelor’s degree in nursing

Helen Lamb Outstanding Educator Award recognizes commitment to advancing educational standards

Promoting collaboration of nurses and midwives in the Americas

Birmingham Civil Rights Institute serves as classroom for BSN students

Podcast features acute care-focused providers

Multi-dimensional nurse anesthesia DNP, dynamic faculty fulfilling workforce needs

PhD student, instructor awarded Alabama League for Nursing scholarship

Acute Care Pediatric NP Specialty Track Coordinator Jeremy Jordan will serve on national board of Acute Care Special Interest Group

National Black Nurses Association recognizes Loretta Lee for instruction, publication

Honored by the National Academic Advising Association

Farley is an infectious disease trained nurse epidemiologist and nurse practitioner

UAB School of Nursing male faculty leaders in profession, education

Recognized for achievements in health care quality improvement, patient safety

Associate Professor Sigrid Ladores receives 2019 Nursing Excellence Award from the Philippine Nurses Association of America.

Associate professor receives awards from two UAB groups
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