Keshia Elder, OD, MS, FAAO, associate professor at the UAB School of Optometry, has been appointed as an associate editor for the journal Optometric Education by the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry (ASCO).
Optometric Education is ASCO’s peer-reviewed online journal. The goal of the journal is to advance optometric education and the profession of optometry.
The Executive Committee has adopted the recommendation to appoint two associate editors, each for a renewable three-year term. ASCO applauds her many contributions as an optometric educator and supports Elder’s vision for the future growth of the publication, including possible expansion into new means for communications and publications supporting the faculty members at our schools and colleges of optometry.
“I am honored to be named one of the Associate Editors for Optometric Education.” Elder said. “As an associate editor, I want to continue to maintain the integrity of the journal and increase its impact on optometric educators.”