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Vision Therapy for Intermittent Exotropia Study

The UAB School of Optometry is participating in the Vision Therapy for Intermittent Exotropia Study. Intermittent exotropia (IXT) is a condition that causes one eye to drift outward. This study is designed to find out whether vision therapy for IXT improves control of an outward eye turn. We believe vision therapy may help children with IXT, but we do not know for sure and the study is being done to find out. This study is being conducted at multiple sites across the United States and is funded by the American Academy of Optometry and the Marshall B. Ketchum University. About 60 children will take part in the study.

Why is this study being done?

IXT is one of the most common types of eye misalignment in children. IXT is sometimes treated using vision therapy. Vision Therapy may help improve your child’s ability to control his/her eyes so it drifts out less. The purpose of this study is to find out if vision therapy helps children between the ages of 8 to 16 years old with IXT.

What treatment will my child receive?

If you agree to have your child take part in the study, your child will be randomly assigned to receive either 20 weekly visits of vision therapy or no treatment. One of every two children will receive vision therapy. There is no cost for being in the study and compensation will be provided for attending the study visits. Children who are assigned to observation and don’t get better will be offered vision therapy at no cost after 20 weeks of observation.

This study lasts for about 6 months. You should not agree to have your child take part in the study unless you are willing to have your child receive either the vision therapy or no treatment for 20 weeks.

Whom should I contact if I have questions or if I would like my child to take part?

Kristine Hopkins, OD, MSPH
Principle Investigator

Jenifer Montejo
Research Coordinator
(205) 996-0203

Study Specifics for Area Eye Doctors

Approximately 60 children to be enrolled who:

  • Are 8 – 16 years old
  • Have intermittent exotropia (no V pattern)
  • Have not received office-based vision therapy of 10 or more sessions and/or within the last 6 months
  • Have never had eye muscle surgery

Referrals can be sent to:

Kristine Hopkins, OD, MSPH
Principle Investigator