Deep South KUH (Kidney, Urology, and Hematology) PRIME Training Program
U2C/TL1 Training Program
Hosting: Information Session & Interview Room
Training Program Description
Postdoctoral fellowships are available for research training in the areas broadly related to kidney, urology, and non-malignant hematology diseases. Trainees will pursue a one to two-year research program in the laboratory of an established basic or clinical research mentor, supplemented with training in advanced biostatistics and bioethics courses. Trainees will be required to carry out an independent research project in the laboratory of a faculty mentor - a basic scientist or clinician investigator experienced in kidney, urology and non-malignant hematology disease-related research.
Current areas of research interest include renal transport physiology, acute and chronic kidney disease, diabetic kidney disease, cell and developmental biology pertaining to the kidney, polycystic kidney disease, hypertension, glomerular diseases, dialysis-related vascular access, lower urinary tract disease, inflammation and immunology, red cell pathology, nephrolithiasis, genetic diseases, sickle-cell disease, basic and clinical research in transplantation and outcomes/epidemiology research.
Applicant Qualifications
Selection is based on the applicant’s demonstrated research ability, career goals, and potential for an academic research career. Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents and have completed their M.D. or Ph.D. by the start date of the fellowship.
- Orlando Gutierrez, MD
- Dean Assimos, MD
- Abdullah Kutlar, MD
- Robert Hoover, MD