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Please carefully review the information entered prior to submitting the letter request. Letters and AdobeSign workflow are populated automatically with the information you provide, exactly as it is entered on this form.

Please upload signed postdoc approval form.
Please enter submitter or administrator's full name.
Please enter submitter or administrator's UAB email address.
Please select prefix from dropdown.
Please enter postdoc's first name.
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Please enter postdoc's last name.
Please choose postdoc's highest/terminal degree.
Is this a new appointment or a reappointment?
Please upload a copy of the prospective postdoc's CV.
Please select how this position will be funded.
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Invalid Input
Please indicate if this position is renewable?
How many years is this position renewable?
Will this postdoc have clinical responsibilities?
Please indicate salary or stipend amount.
Will there be a signing incentive or bonus in this offer?
Enter only numbers for the amount of the signing incentive or bonus.
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Please enter the amount of the signing incentive or bonus.
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Please select the appointing school or college.
Select College of Arts and Sciences department.
Please select School of Dentistry department.
Please select School of Education department.
Please select School of Engineering department.
Please select School of Health Professions department.
Please select School of Nursing department.
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Please select appointing division.
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Please describe postdoc's research topic.
Please select the job skills required for this position.
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Please enter mentor's first name.
Please enter mentor's last name.
Please choose the mentor's Degree suffix.
If you chose "other" under Mentor's Degree Suffix, please supply appropriate suffix.
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Please select mentor's school or college affiliation.
Please select mentor's College of Arts and Sciences Department.
Please select mentor's School of Dentistry department.
Please select mentor's School of Education department.
Please select mentor's School of Engineering department.
Please select mentor's School of Health Professions department.
Invalid Input
Please select mentor's School of Nursing department.
Please select mentor's School of Medicine division.
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Please enter mentor's email address.
Please indicate whether this postdoc will have a co-mentor?
Please enter co-mentor's first name.
Please enter co-mentor's last name.
Please indicate co-mentor's degree suffix.
If you chose "other" for co-mentor's degree suffix, please supply appropriate suffix.
Please select co-mentor's job title.
Please enter co-mentor's email address.
Please select co-mentor's school or college.
Please select the co-mentor's department in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Please select the co-mentor's department in the School of Dentistry.
Please select the co-mentor's department in the School of Education.
Please select the co-mentor's department in the School of Engineering.
Please select the co-mentor's department in the School of Health Professions.
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Please select the co-mentor's department in the School of Nursing.
Please select the co-mentor's division in the School of Medicine.
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Please let us know how you learned about this postdoc?
How did you interview this hire?
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Provide the first reference's full name and relationship to postdoc.
Please provide the second reference's full name and relationship to postdoc:
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