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Bradley Yoder Lab

Hosting: Information Session & Interview Room

Department: Cell, Developmental, and Integrative Biology

Lab Description

The research goals in the Yoder lab are to determine how loss of cilia sensory and signaling activities contribute to disease and developmental birth defects. The lab uses animal and cell based models along with wide range of approaches including genetic engineering, IPS cells, molecular and biochemical studies, live and fixed fluorescence confocal imaging, proximity ligase and MS protein identification, patient variant analysis, single cell and bulk RNA sequence, informatics, and biosensors and reporter systems to address fundamental and clinically important biological questions regarding cilia function.

Applicant Information

There are several postdoctoral positions currently open. The first project involves in vivo and in vitro based studies to define differences in the cilia proteomes across cell types, developmental stages, and under disease conditions. A second project will define mechanisms responsible for ciliopathy (diseases involving cilia dysfunction) associated birth defects using informatic, biochemical, and cellular approaches and in vivo model generation to define pathogenic mechanisms of the disease. A final project will define how loss of cilia function alters cell responses in the kidney that cause the development of cyst and the identification of targetable pathways to slow the rate of cyst growth.

Read more: Bradley YoderOpens an external link.

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