Kidney Stone Research Group
Hosting: Information Session
Research Group Description
The Kidney Stone Research Group consists of five NIH funded investigators, Joseph Crivelli, M.D., Assistant Professor; Sonia Fargue, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor; John Knight, Ph.D., Associate Professor; Tanecia Mitchell, Ph.D., Associate Professor; and Kyle Wood, M.D., Associate Professor. Our multidisciplinary collaborative research focuses on the most common form of kidney stone disease (KSD), calcium oxalate (CaOx) KSD, and involves investigations with cultured cells, mouse models, and human subjects.
Areas of focus include oxalate metabolism, the role of diet in KSD, and the role of the gut microbiome in KSD. We utilize controlled feeding studies in humans and state of the art assays including mass spectrometry in our research programs. Our research involves collaborations with industry (Novo Nordisk, Arbor Biosciences), and with investigators in other UAB departments (Nutrition, Nephrology, Weight Loss Medicine and Bariatric Surgery) and institutions outside UAB (UT Southwestern Medical Center, New York University, University of Michigan, Mayo Clinic Rochester).
- Joseph Crivelli, MD
- Sonia Fargue, MD, PhD
- John Knight, PhD
- Tanecia Mitchell, PhD
- Kyle Wood, MD
Fun Facts about the Research Group
Our kidney stone research group is quite international (French, Fijian, Chinese, Indian and American), which brings great flavors and dishes to our parties!
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