All of the faculty and training programs below are actively looking for a postdoctoral scholar to hire! Read descriptions of their labs and projects below. View more information on their website and then visit them either during a general information session or select them as people/programs with whom you would like to interview on May 8th!

Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program
Hosting: Information Session
UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center

Deep South KUH (Kidney, Urology, and Hematology) PRIME Training Program
T32 Training Grant
Hosting: Information Session & Interview Room

UAB Health Services Research Training Program
T32 Grant
Hosting: Information Session

Interdisciplinary Training in Pathobiology and Rehabilitation Medicine
T32 Grant
Hosting: Information Session

Kidney Stone Research Group
Hosting: Information Session

Obesity Research Training Program
T32 grant
Hosting: Information Session & Interview Room

Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases Training Program
T32 Grant
Hosting: Information Session

Thomas Chi Lab
Hosting: Information Session & Interview Room
Department: Urology

Hui Hu Lab
Hosting: Information Session & Interview Room
Department: Microbiology

Mohamed Khass Lab
Hosting: Information Session & Interview Room
Department: Endodontics

Ksenia Matlawska-Wasowska Lab
Hosting: Interview Room
Department: Cell, Developmental, and Integrative Biology

Rena Patel Lab
Hosting: Information Session & Interview Room
Department: Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine

Haosheng Sun Lab
Hosting: Information Session & Interview Room
Department: Cell, Developmental, and Integrative Biology

Bradley Yoder Lab
Hosting: Information Session & Interview Room
Department: Cell, Developmental, and Integrative Biology

Jianhua Zhang Lab
Hosting: Interview Room
Department: Pathology
More information coming soon!
To view the profiles of faculty research groups and training programs that are activley hiring and will be at the fair on May 8th, visit the Faculty and Training Programs Profiles.
Postdoc Research Day
Research Day is designed to exclusively showcase the research of postdoctoral scholars and to promote networking within our UAB community. We invite our postdocs to submit an abstract for either a ten-minute research oral presentation or a three-minute "Data Blitz" presentation by Saturday, March 1st via the form here.
Research Oral Presentation
Abstracts (excluding title and authors) must be 300 words or less and include sections about the project's background/significance, hypothesis, results, and conclusion/next steps. The research presented must have been completed during your time as a UAB postdoctoral scholar.
The ten-minute presentations will take place in person and be judged on the presenter's ability to communicate their ideas and findings, overall understanding of the topic, and ability to identify its significance and answer questions during the five-minute Q&A.
Data Blitz Presentation
Are you a new postdoc or do not yet have enough data for a ten-minute presentation? Consider submitting a 100-word project summary to present during our Data Blitz! Presentations will be three-minutes long, and you will be limited to a single PowerPoint slide that details your project ideas, methodology, or preliminary data. Presented ideas must be from your current position as a UAB postdoctoral scholar.
The Data Blitz will take place in person and be judged by a panel comprised of faculty and fellow postdocs. You will be evaluated on time management and organization, delivery, research impact, slide design, and comprehension.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Winners of each Category will receive Cash Awards! Submit an Abstract Today!