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UAB Professional Studies The Office of Learning Technologies

A woman using her laptop.Professional Studies, also known as Continuing Education, is a path to keep up with changes to your field after completing your degree and starting your career. Continuing Education is required for many professions to keep current in the field. Even if Continuing Education courses are not required, it is highly recommended to include them in your ongoing career development plan as they can contribute to job success and career advancement. Continuing education is also an important investment for businesses to make, as these programs can help businesses gain and maintain a competitive edge and ensure they are always providing the best services and products to their customers.

At UAB, continuing education programs are developed by our faculty and experts within certain industries. Available programs include those that can be used to gain Continuing Education credits, more general programs used for skill building, and certificate programs required in many professions. Innovative programs are constantly being developed at UAB to fit the needs of professionals in business, education, manufacturing, medical, and other fields. These programs can be offered in many modalities. Reach out to UAB Professional Studies for more information.

Continuing Education Unit (CEU) or Continuing Education Credit (CEC)

Continuing Education Unit (CEU) or Continuing Education Credit (CEC)

Continuing Education Unit (CEU) or Continuing Education Credit (CEC) are used primarily in licensed professions. These include engineers, architects, electricians, teachers, school administrators, financial, mental health professionals, social workers, and nurses, among others. Each CEU represents 10 hours of participation in an accredited continuing education program.

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Continuing Medical Education (CME) is required for physicians, physician assistants, and others in the medical field. CME requirements vary by state.

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) is continuing education credits for attorneys. CLE requirements vary by state. You can find more information about CLE requirements by state on the American Bar Association website.

Professional Learning Units (PLU)

Professional Learning Units (PLU)

Professional Learning Units (PLU) are continuing education credits for individuals in education who hold administrative degrees. Other education professionals earn Continuing Education Units (CEU). PLU are often required by states. Learn more about Alabama's PLU requirements.

How can professional studies/continuing education courses help me?

Continuing education courses can help you obtain new skills, earn required certificates, and keep up with the latest in research and methodology, among other benefits. Participating in continuing education courses and events is a requirement for many professions. In addition to the personal benefits, continuing education programs can also help companies build a stronger workforce and stay competitive.

How do I enroll in a course?

See instructions on enrolling in a course.

Do I have to apply to UAB to take UAB continuing education courses?

No. While many of UAB’s continuing education programs are led by UAB faculty, they are separate from UAB’s academic courses and do not count for academic credit at UAB.

Will I get a degree by taking continuing education courses?

No, but many of the programs offer a certificate which can be beneficial for your career. UAB’s continuing education programs are offered as non-credit programs. The courses that you take are not applied toward a UAB degree. If you are interested in obtaining a UAB degree, we offer many different choices for undergraduate and graduate degrees, including online degree programs.

Do you offer customized programs for companies?

Yes. We have developed custom training and professional development programs to meet the needs of specific companies. Many UAB departments have created customized courses to match company requirements. UAB Professional Studies can create a corporate portal for companies to register and manage company-wide continuing education programs. Submit a request form for more information about our corporate programs. *Customized programs are subject to faculty and resource availability.

What is your refund policy?

Refund policies are set at the facilitating department level. Each program has its own custom refund policies included in the course description.