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The CPFAC is charged with the responsibility for reviewing and recommending capital additions and changes to the respective physical facilities of UAB for approval by the President as required by the Board of Trustees. The committee reports to the VP for Finance and Administration.

Additional responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Annual review of the Facilities Development Plan, the Annual Capital Development Plan and the State Capital Appropriations Request;
  • Gather and review data regarding physical facility strategic needs from schools and other programmatic sources for inclusion in the annual and 5-year master planning process;
  • Establish a schedule and priorities for completing improvements in the Master Plan;
  • Review amendments to the Master Plan;
  • Establish and adopt procedures for incorporating recommendations from the Master Plan into UAB’s financial planning and budgeting process;
  • Conduct regularly scheduled reviews of campus planning, design, acquisitions, and construction activities. This includes new campus landscape and open space projects, road or alley closings and openings, implementation of design guidelines, requests for land acquisitions/ dispositions, design and construction of proposed new buildings and major renovations;
  • Review projects, including buildings, site improvements, and from time to time, campus outdoor sculpture initiatives, with significant visual impact to the campus.

A related Faculty Senate Standing Committee is the Finance Committee.


Dr. Brian Burnett (Chair)

Meeting quarterly for strategizing and implementing new plans for improvement and advancement.