Explore UAB

A comprehensive, attractive benefit and wellness program is an important component of our total compensation offering. Our programs help UAB, as the state’s largest employer, become the first choice for those who share our vision of a research university and academic health center that discovers, teaches and applies knowledge for the intellectual, cultural, social and economic benefit of Birmingham, the state and beyond. Committee members are tasked with taking a UAB wide perspective in program deliberations and recommendations for UAB’s employee benefits and wellness program.


Brian D. Burnett, PhD

Committee Members:

  • Janet May
  • Leann Perkins
  • Kelly Nichols
  • John Petrov
  • Jordan Demoss
  • James Gilbreath
  • Leah Leisch
  • Maria Shirey
  • Michelle Robinson
  • Bernard Mays
  • Terri Poe
  • Shannon Turner
  • Belinda Singleton