COVID cases among UAB students, faculty and staff recently hit the lowest point since late summer and remain low. Remaining vigilant will enable UAB move closer to a normal campus life sooner rather than later, including plans to return to in-person commencement ceremonies this spring. Some campus locations that were closed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic have reopened with safety precautions in place. Read more to learn where you can see art, buy UAB merch, dine in and work out on campus — all while staying safe and healthy.

UAB Libraries
UAB Libraries' buildings are open to employees and students with a Blazer ID. A cleared GuideSafe™ Event Passport is required for check-in at the front desk, and visitors must wear a mask and use designated paths of traffic to navigate the library. Find more guidelines online.
The Reynolds-Finley Historical Library is open to the UAB community by appointment only. For additional information, see the Reynolds-Finley Remote Access Guide or contact them. Photo: LEXI COON / University Relations

Campus Recreation
UAB Campus Rec is open with modified operations. The main workout areas, Aquatics Center, Climbing Wall and Rental Center are open, some with appointments required; other areas remain closed, such as the Wet Classroom, spa and men’s and women’s locker rooms. Safety protocols are in place and other guidelines must be followed; read them online. Photo: ANDREA MABRY / University Relations

Hill Student Center
The Hill Student Center currently has two entrance/exit points and stationed staff members at those doors at all times. Everyone who enters the HSC must show a valid UAB OneCard and cleared HealthCheck Event Passport; masks must be worn at all times except when actively eating or drinking at a safe distance from others. No parents, guest or community members are allowed inside, with few exceptions.
One person per table seating is available in the dining areas; no two seats in the facility are currently closer than six feet. Similar guidelines apply to outdoor sitting spaces.
Current COVID-19 protocols will remain in place for the rest of the 2020-21 academic year.

Dining facilities
The Commons on the Green and Mein Bowl and Panera Bread in the Hill Student Center are open for dining with precautions of one guest per table and required masking when not actively eating or drinking. Read more online. Photo: SAMANTHA KHEIM / Campus Dining

UAB Bookstore

Solar House
UAB Sustainability’s Solar House, located at the corner of 11th Avenue South and 17th Street, is open through May 30 by appointment only to view art exhibition “Work from Home,” created by faculty and staff in the Department of Art and Art History. Photo: CHRIS MCCAULEY / College of Arts and Sciences

UAB Athletics events
Athletic events at Bartow Arena, BBVA Field, Regions Field and Mary Bowers Field accommodate fans with social distancing measures in place. Athletic events at the Birmingham Crossplex and beach volleyball courts still remain closed to spectators. Visit for updated information. Photo: LEXI COON / University Relations