Trade Safe Zone helps Blazers buy goods safely

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by Adam Pope

Prioritize safety when buying, selling or trading on campus by utilizing the Trade Safe Zone, situated in the UAB Police and Public Safety Department parking lot at 1117 14th Street South (see the location on the Campus Map). Enjoy the added security of video surveillance, a UAB Help Phone and well-lit surroundings. Look for the designated parking spot with a sign and bright green paint.

“This new designated space for trading from places like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist will help keep Blazers safe when they meet others to buy and sell things,” said Crime Prevention Specialist Lt. Steven Gladden. “And because the police station is on campus, this new location is easy and convenient for everyone to access.”

Many forces are at work on campus to keep Blazers safe. UAB has 100-plus accredited police officers, a fleet of patrols monitoring campus, more than 490 Help Phones located throughout campus and roughly 3,700 video cameras in buildings, parking decks and outdoor areas. Employees can download the Rave Guardian app, use the Motorist Assistance Roadside Service or call the Blazer Express Safety Escort Service.

Much like visiting the Trade Safe Zone, Blazers also can take other forms of personal responsibility to keep themselves and others safe on campus.

Report threatening behavior. A student's or employee’s intuition and observation is the best campus defense. If you notice concerning behavior in a colleague, student or even yourself or are worried about a potential threat to the campus community, file a report with UAB’s Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management team.

Download RAVE Guardian. Increase your safety by downloading the RAVE Guardian app. It’s a GPS-enabled virtual safety escort, allows you to report suspicious activity, and provides a personal panic button that shares your location with officers during emergencies. Download here.

Ensure Building Doors Are Closed. Keep everyone safe by making sure exterior doors stay closed. This reduces false alarms and helps maintain security.

Lock Your Car and Valuables. Always lock your car and keep valuables out of sight to prevent theft. Don’t leave keys in your vehicle, and regularly check on locked bikes and scooters to deter potential thieves. Read more.