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Reporter Staff

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The Kids Low Vision and Reading (KLoVR) study aims to better understand reading ability among children with permanent vision impairment. We need to recruit children ages 6 to 16 with normal vision (glasses are ok) for a comparison group. Testing includes vision testing, reading tests and memory tests and lasts 2 to 2.5 hours. No eyedrops are used. Participants are compensated with a $100 gift card and free parking in the Callahan Eye Hospital parking deck. Please call the Clinical Research Coordinator, Caroline Durena, in the Center for Low Vision and Rehabilitation at (205)488-0788 for more infor‐ mation about the study and to see if you qualify. This study is funded by the National Institute for Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research.
If you are currently pregnant, 18 or older, planning to deliver at UAB, and planning to breast feed, you may be eligible for our study. This study focuses on better understanding CMV, a common virus most people in the US are infected with by adulthood, its transmission through breast milk from mother to baby, and how the body protects itself from the virus. Participants will meet with study staff once a month for six months to collect non-invasive samples and answer a questionnaire. Samples collected include oral swabs from you and your baby, a small quantity of breast milk and a skin swab from you, and a urine and stool sample from your baby. Participants will be compensated up to $300 for completing the study visits and providing samples. Eligible participants may also qualify for additional sub-studies for additional compensation up to $800. For more information, please contact Amanda Rafferty at 205-975-3752 or email
We are looking for current pessary users to trial a new investigational pessary, which may be more comfortable and easier to use than your current pessary. Participants will be asked to: Continue to wear your current pessary for 1 month Be willing to use a study pessary for 3 months Attend 1-2 visits (at no cost to you) in addition to your pessary usual care Participants will receive: $300 ($100 gift card given for each extra visit and then at the end of the study) For more information call 205-934-5498
Participate in nationwide study to understand why some people have prolonged symptoms (referred to as long COVID or post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2, also called PASC) or develop new or returning symptoms after the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection. We need COVID-19 survivors from the Birmingham and Mobile, Alabama, and New Orleans, Louisiana, areas. If you are over 18 years old, not pregnant, and would like to take part in UAB’s study, email to find out more.
August 08, 2022

Obese Adults Needed

Obese adults, age 25 to 45 years old, are needed to determine if the timing of salt intake affects blood pressure throughout the day. This study involves 12 visits over 8 weeks. Participants will be compensated for participation. You may not be eligible to participate if you have significant health problems, are pregnant, or are taking certain medications. Please contact Alexis at or call (205) 582-7761 if you are interested in learning more about this study.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Nutrition Sciences, in collaboration with Novo Nordisk, is conducting a 52 week research study to look into how well semaglutide once weekly medicine works at different doses in people with type 2 diabetes and overweight Qualified participants will receive study drug free of charge and may be compensated for time and travel. For more information, and to see if you might be eligible to join, please contact (205) 996-4015 or email at
Are you a Female and Experience a Loss of Urine with Urge and Frequency? Do you have Overactive Bladder with Urinary Leakage? To find out if you are eligible, please call at 205-934-1777 or email Dr. Russell Stanley at $200 Compensation will be provided.
Do you have infrequent or irregular cycles? or Do you have excessive hair growth on your upper lip, chin, chest, abdomen, buttocks, or back? If you are between 18 and 35 years old, and answered YES to any of the questions above you may qualify for this study. Benefits: Free physical exam, labs and ovarian imaging, Receive up to $600 for complete participation in the study. Help to improve our understanding of women's health. For More information Please call (205) 934-0877 or email
Has your child been diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or elevated liver enzymes? If so, he/she could be eligible to participate in a 6-month research study that is investigating whether changes in diet composition affect various health outcomes in adolescents with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. You will receive diet counseling and groceries at no cost. Participants will be compensated up to $1475 if completed the study. For more information or to enroll in our study, please email or call 205-934-6299. Participants cannot be claustrophobic.
Recovering from a stroke? Still have problems with confusion, slow thinking, or memory? If so, you may eligible to take part in a study testing a new form of cognitive training designed to improve how quickly you process information and perform daily activities. The study pays participants $20 per training session on average. The training program, which requires several visits to UAB, can be tailored to fit your schedule. If you are interested, please call 205-934-9768 or email
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  • 5 things to know about Alice McNeal, M.D.
    In honor of Women's History Month, a remembrance of Alice McNeal, M.D., founding chair of UAB's Department of Anesthesiology (now the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine) in 1948 and first woman anesthesiologist to be named to the Alabama Healthcare Hall of Fame.
    posted a while back 2638 views
  • Legion Field once hosted Olympic soccer matches

    retro art streamDuring the 1996 Olympic Games, Legion Field was a host site for soccer games, which more than 431,000 people attended. UAB also was home to a practice site for Olympians.

    posted a while back 5440 views
  • Continuing the commitment to eye health

    retro art streamIn 1974, two optometry students screened two young children for vision issues. The school’s tradition of community engagement continues to this day as remain involved in the community, whether through providing vision screenings and eye exams in senior centers, elementary schools, Black Belt communities and more or teaching cow eye dissections at Ramsey High School.

    posted a while back 4691 views
  • Registration changes with the tech of the times

    retro art streamIn the 1970s, students registering for UAB’s University College would queue in long lines to meet with advisers, determine their course schedule and fill out punch cards for the record-books. Things look a bit different today, thanks to new student orientation program Blazer Beginnings.

    posted a while back 3842 views
  • Updating the footprint of campus

    retro art streamThe intersection of 20th Street South and Seventh Avenue looked a bit different in 1971, and this section of campus will undergo even more changes this summer as the Kracke Building and Pittman Center for Advanced Medical Studies will be razed to make way for the new Altec Styslinger Genomic Medicine and Data Sciences Building.

    posted a while back 4563 views
  • Seeing sculptures and getting steps since the 1970s

    In the late 1970s, two students chatted next to “Untitled” by Michael Frohock, a sculpture made of COR-TEN steel installed in the Mini Park 1976. Find “Untitled” on the West Campus/Alys Stephens Center walking trail, one of three two-mile walking trails that showcase UAB’s statues or sculptures in 30 minutes or fewer.

    posted a while back 4768 views
  • Continuing the changemaking tradition

    retro art streamIn May 1971, Bracie Watson, a senior majoring in biology, became the first Black student elected president of the UAB Undergraduate Student Government Association. And UAB USGA presidents continue to be changemakers — hear 2020-21 President Tyler Huang tell his story in a UAB United video and UAB News.

    posted a while back 4954 views
  • Forging a commitment to diversity

    retro art streamFrom the appoint of Aaron L. Lamar Jr. to associate vice president and dean of Student Affairs in 1978 to being named America’s No. 4 Best Employer for Diversity by Forbes, UAB has demonstrated a long commitment to its shared value of diversity and inclusiveness.

    posted a while back 4193 views
  • Celebrating commencement together again

    retro art streamIn June 1970, UAB awarded its first degrees to 478 students. During this year’s commencement ceremonies — the first ones in person since fall 2019 — more than 8,550 will be awarded.

    posted a while back 4145 views
  • WBHM is always at your service

    retro art streamNearly four decades after a broadcast delivered by Jack Lazarus, the Alabama Broadcasters Association named 90.3 WBHM Radio Station of the Year at its annual ABBY Awards ceremony March 29.

    posted a while back 4870 views