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January 23, 2025

Join a working group for the SUCCESS Initiative

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rep si hill color 550pxThe SUCCESS Initiative aims to build on UAB’s enrollment growth over the past decade and create a seamless experience of student support from initial interest in UAB to graduation.

In November 2024, a survey was sent to faculty and staff in targeted areas across campus to collect additional feedback on our undergraduate and graduate recruitment and student success. Survey feedback was combined with data collected during on-campus interviews by Ruffalo Noel Levitz (RNL) consulting services. Following an analysis of all the results, the SUCCESS Executive Steering Committee has finalized the following working groups to address strategic priorities identified during the survey and on-campus interviews:

Save the date for town hall Feb. 24

Get an important update about the SUCCESS Initiative at the Alumni House at 9 a.m. Feb. 24. During the town hall, initiative leaders will share the findings and recommendations from the engagement with Ruffalo Noel Levitz, as well as the feedback received from campus stakeholders. They also will outline the path forward to ensure that UAB remains a highly sought-after destination for qualified students who are empowered to succeed. RSVP here. If you have any questions, contact Chandni Khadka, project director for the Strategic Initiatives team, at

Working Group 1: Pathways for Enrollment Growth

This working group will amplify pathways for enrollment growth by focusing on more expansive student populations to bolster current demographic declines of traditional in-state freshmen.

Working Group 2: Transfer Students

This working group will focus on the recruitment, engagement and support of transfer students to ensure their successful integration into a new academic and social environment at UAB.

Working Group 3: Student Engagement Across the Undergraduate Experience

This working group will operationalize student engagement across the undergraduate experience with focus on first- and second-year experiences. This includes strengthening the transition from Undergraduate Admissions to Student Affairs for improved coordination and collaboration across student groups.

Working Group 4: Data Management

This working group will improve the data management plan for utilizing single-sourced student data for operational purposes across units.

Working Group 5: Student Marketing and Communications

This working group will unify branding and messaging across the college and schools and improve communications to various stakeholders.

Working Group 6: Retention Awareness

This working group will bring attention to a variety of retention activities that paint student supports in a new light to help students feel that they are supported and belong.

Working Group 7: Engage, Support & Empower Students to Achieve Student Health and Wellbeing

This working group will co-develop and implement an operational plan to engage, support and empower our students to achieve health and wellbeing.

Applications open now

The SUCCESS Executive Steering Committee is now accepting applications for working group volunteers for members-at-large and encourages both faculty and staff to apply in their area(s) of expertise or interest.

Working groups may create sub-groups as needed to ensure the effective development and implementation of charges for opportunity areas that are larger in scope. The goal of these working groups will be to develop action plans that collaboratively address student success and enrollment growth recommendations.

Before you apply: Please take a moment to read the SUCCESS Initiative Charter, which includes the working group charges in detail. 

APPLY HERE by Jan. 28.

What’s next and time commitment: Those selected will be notified over the coming weeks. The time commitment will vary between working groups; progress and membership will be reviewed annually.

Your completed application with the approval from your supervisor/department chairs should be received no later than Jan. 28. If you have any issues accessing the application form or have any questions, please contact