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February 10, 2025

Shaping UAB’s future through the Campus Engagement Survey

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rep 2025 campus engagement 550pxby Brooke Carbo

The impact of the Campus Engagement Survey is evident in the strides made in UAB’s performance management process. Before the survey’s implementation, annual performance evaluations were not required and used inconsistently across the university. The survey helped change that, according to UAB Learning & Development Executive Director Susan Coan.

"Prior to 2017, UAB didn’t have an easy way to know if performance evaluations were consistently performed across all areas of campus,” said Coan. “In response to the survey results, an app was created to provide a standardized collection and evaluation method.”

Take the survey now

February 17 is the deadline to complete the survey.

The 2018 launch of the Performance App for eligible full-time (01) and part-time (03) regular-status employees in Workforce Group A ensured all areas are using the same criteria and timeline to effectively and consistently assess job performance, set goals and action plans, and recognize achievement. The performance management process at UAB has continued to improve each year, with new enhancements to the app and resources for both supervisors and employees. 

Continued improvements

Recent enhancements include a help feature within the app that allows users to search for immediate answers from within the updated HR Connect Portal knowledge base, as well as the designated “My Goals” section, which allows employees to add, update and track progress on their goals throughout the year. This feature is designed to encourage users in their professional development and assist employees and supervisors during check-in conversations outside the performance management cycle.

“Not only has the performance system continued to be improved, but additional training has been developed for both managers and staff to get the most out of their conversations,” added Coan.

Those offerings include instructor-led training programs for supervisors and staff from Learning & Development, as well as on-demand eLearning courses, FAQs and additional support tools available on UAB Human Resources’ Performance Management website.

Positive feedback rising each year

The result of the continued enhancements to the performance management process can be seen in the feedback received from each of the biennial surveys. Since the 2017 survey, participants have been asked if they believe that promotions in their department are based on performance, if they believe the evaluation process accurately measures their job performance, and if they believe low performance issues in their department are addressed.

Each year, the survey results have shown continued improvements in all three areas, with positive responses rising each year — from 53 percent in 2017 to 58 percent in 2023.

The same survey feedback has also shown an uptick in satisfaction across campus. Positive responses to statements about participants’ pride in UAB and whether they believe their department and the institution as a whole to be a good place to work have increased each year, as well, with a positive response rate of 80 percent in the 2023 survey.

The trend towards improvement in these areas shows the value of regular feedback and its significant long-term impact.

How to take the survey

Check your inbox for an email invitation from Great Colleges ( You will be asked to enter a username and password, which are provided in the email invitation sent to you directly by ModernThink. You may take the survey at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from work or from home. Internet access is required.

What if I don’t see the email?

Follow the steps outlined under “Taking the Survey” on the Campus Engagement Survey website.