February 02, 2015

SACSCOC onsite visit is Feb. 24-26

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UAB is in the process of reaffirming its accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), the regional body that accredits degree-granting institutions of higher education in the Southern states.

UAB has submitted its report, in which it outlines its compliance with the Principles of Accreditation and the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). This information, including links to UAB’s Compliance Certification and QEP, are at www.uab.edu/accreditation.

The QEP theme, Learning in a Team Environment, was identified based on input from faculty, staff and students. This initiative will focus on teaching students to succeed in all roles of a team and use these skills to improve student learning.

The SACSCOC onsite review committee will visit campus Feb. 24-26, and its decision will be announced in December.