Displaying items by tag: men

The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Nutrition Sciences, is conducting a research study to evaluate the effectiveness of an investigational drug to treat people with Type 2 Diabetes and obesity. To qualify, you must have Type 2 Diabetes, older than 18 years old, moderately overweight, diet-controlled or taking oral diabetes medications. Qualified participants will receive the study drug free of charge and compensation for time and travel. For more information, and to see if you might be eligible to join, please contact co-investigator Tracie Thomas at (205) 996-4015 or email tthoma@uab.edu.
Published in Clinical Trials
Looking for individuals between the ages of 18-70 with a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, stroke, Parkinson disease, or multiple sclerosis to participate in Movement-to-Music (M2M), a rhythmic-based exercise program provided entirely remotely from Lakeshore Foundation. You may be eligible if you have stable cardiovascular conditions and have not participated in a similar research study in the past 6 months. All equipment for completing the program and additional compensation provided. To learn more about this opportunity and if you are eligible, please call Lori Theriot at (205) 313-7455 or email m2mstudy@uab.edu.
Published in Clinical Trials
We are looking for adults with type 2 diabetes for a research study to see if eating large amounts of whole fruit can improve your blood sugar and reduce your need for diabetes medications. You may be eligible if you are 20-65 years old, overweight (BMI 27-45), diagnosed with type 2 diabetes within the last 6 years, and are not taking insulin. Participants will be provided with meals for 12 weeks, a high-speed Vita-Mix blender, and $1,375 for completing the study. Since this study is time-intensive, we are seeking only highly motivated and dedicated participants. If you are interested, please complete the brief electronic form at http://bit.ly/fruit_study. For more information, please contact Cody Hanick at chanick@uab.edu or (262) 923-0672.
Published in Clinical Trials

We are looking for adults with type 2 diabetes for an exciting research study to see whether intermittent fasting and/or using light therapy can improve your blood sugar, improve your overall health, and reset your body clock. Participants will either eat early in the day, graze throughout the day, and/or use a special light therapy box or glasses. You may be eligible if you have type 2 diabetes, are 30-80 years old, are not taking insulin, and usually wake up between 5:00 and 9:00 am. The main part of the study lasts 16 weeks and involves two overnight tests in our clinic (which can be done on weekends, if preferred). Participants will receive $2400 for completing the study.

If you are interested, please follow the link http://bit.ly/clocksstudy to apply for the CLOCKS study. Or for more information, please contact our research team for more information at CLOCKSSTUDY@uab.edu or 205-484-7329 or 205-484-5633.

Published in Clinical Trials

We are looking for adults for an exciting research study to see whether meal timing can improve your blood sugar, blood pressure, and your overall health. Participants will be randomized to follow an eating schedule for 8 weeks. You may be eligible if you are 30-70 years old, BMI between 30-60 kg/m2, are not taking diabetes medication, and wake up between 5:00 and 8:00 am regularly. Adults with prediabetes, blood sugar issues, or a family history of diabetes are encouraged to apply. This study involves two overnight tests plus eating only food that we provide you. Participants will receive $1200 for completing the study and 8 weeks of meals, valued at a total of $2400. If you are interested, please visit https://bit.ly/mealtimingstudy to apply for the study. Or for more information, please contact one of our research coordinators at mealtiming@uab.edu or 205-580-7692.

Published in Clinical Trials
Is your child in good health without Diabetes, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Thyroid dysfunction, Autoimmune diseases, Moderate to Severe Intellectual disability, or Taking medications affecting? If so, your child may be eligible to participate in a research study at UAB. Compensation up to $140 for two visits, each visit lasting 5 hours. For more information, please call the UAB Office of Psychiatric Research at Call: 205-975-4207
Published in Clinical Trials
Healthy men and women, ages 18 to 75, are needed for a study exploring the reason why individuals who have diabetes have an increased risk of forming a calcium oxalate kidney stone. The study involves consuming prepared meals over 4 days and collecting urine and blood. Compensation $130. Please phone Demond at 205-934- 5712 or email kidneystone@uabmc.edu, if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
Adults ages 18-89 with history of kidney stones needed for a study Individuals ages 18-89 years with a history of Calcium Oxalate kidney stones, are needed for a study exploring factors that impacting oxalate metabolism in kidney stone formers. The study involves consuming prepared meals over 4 days and collecting urine and blood. Compensation up to $140. For more information, call 205-934-5712 or email kidneystone@uabmc.edu or kidneystoneresearch@uabmc.edu.
Published in Clinical Trials
Major Depressive Disorder patients may be able to contribute to our understanding of depression. If you have Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) that hasn’t responded to anti-depressant medication, learn about this research study of an investigational drug for MDD. As part of their study participation, patients will be regularly evaluated and closely monitored by a team of medical professionals. To pre-qualify for this study, you must: be 18 to 65 years of age; have been diagnosed with MDD; be in a current depressive episode for at least 8 weeks but not more than 12 months; and have been taking an antidepressant medication for at least the last 8 weeks. Additional criteria will apply. All study-related visits, tests, and study drugs will be provided at no cost. In addition, reimbursement for study-related travel may be provided. Please leave a voice message at (205) 934-2484 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu for more information.
Published in Clinical Trials
Researchers at the Alabama Vaccine Research Clinic at UAB are looking for volunteers between the ages of 18 and 50 to participate in HIV vaccine research studies. Procedures include the collection of medical and sexual history, blood and urine samples for lab testing, and a physical exam. Additional tests, such as STI testing, electrocardiograms, pap smears, and pregnancy testing may also be required. Screening visit compensation is $20, with additional compensation earned for study participation. You cannot get HIV from the vaccine. For more information, please call 205-934-7492 or email avrc@uabmc.edu.
Published in Clinical Trials
Researchers in the School of Medicine are recruiting people from the general public age 18 years or older to participate in a research study. The study is one remote visit that consists of filling out questionnaires online. The purpose of the study is to examine the racial differences in sleep patterns as it relates to cigarette smoking and smoking dependence. Results from this study may help in designing better treatments for quitting smoking. If you are eligible and decide to enroll, this study will take approximately one hour to complete, and you will be compensated $40 for your time. To see if you qualify go to: https://bit.ly/3wjtT2F
Published in Clinical Trials
If you have major depressive disorder (MDD) and are in a current depressive episode, we invite you to learn about a research study of an investigational drug that is taken with your current antidepressant medication. In this study, researchers will evaluate the safety and efficacy of the investigational drug as an add-on therapy to your current antidepressant medication. To prequalify for this study you must be 18 to 65 years of age, have been diagnosed with recurrent MDD, be in a current major depressive episode for at least the last 8 weeks, and not experiencing a satisfactory improvement in your symptoms of depression with your current treatment. All study-related visits, tests, and drugs will be provided at no cost. In addition, reimbursement for study-related travel may be provided. Please leave a voice message at (205) 934-2484 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu for more information.
Published in Clinical Trials
We are seeking volunteers for a research study looking at the role of different components of a lifestyle intervention program in family medicine clinics. The study will last approximately 6 months. Participants will receive nutrition or exercise counseling and receive body composition scans and lab work at no charge. Participants will receive weekly counseling sessions for the first 2 months of the study, and bi-monthly counseling sessions for the remaining 4 months of the study. Participants will receive monetary stipends totaling $300 to reimburse for time and travel to study visits. You may qualify for this research study if you: Are 18-75 years old. Not pregnant or lactating. Have a BMI of ≥ 27 kg/m² - Check your BMI at:http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm. Are willing to participate in regular counseling sessions and attend 4 study visits at UAB’s Family and Community Medicine clinic over the course of the 6-month study. Please call 205-975-4113 or email reba0315@uab.edu if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
Junghee Lee, Ph.D. (UAB Psychiatry) is looking for healthy volunteers without any psychiatric illness to participate in a study called “Disrupted Social Preference in Early Psychosis.” The main purpose of this research project is to gather information on the nature of problems in social information processing in persons with schizophrenia compared to community controls. You will be compensated $25/hour and up to $260 for your participation. If you are between 18 and 35, have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use for the past three months, and no history of neurological disorders or psychiatric problems, please call (205) 934-8203 or email our lab team at nlsb.uab@gmail.com for further information.
Published in Clinical Trials
African American men and women ages 50-65 needed for study on lifetime stress and brain functioning. We want to pay people who identify as African American/Black to help us see if stress and other lifestyle factors can protect their mental health and their brain health. This knowledge is especially important to understand as people face difficult situations and might be at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. All information collected will be kept confidential. The study involves two visits lasting 2-3 hours each, including one MRI at UAB Highlands Hospital. A check of $75 will be mailed to you at the end of the study. For more information, visit: http://immcdonough.people.ua.edu/participate.html or leave a voice message at 205-348-2808.
Published in Clinical Trials
Recovering from COVID-19?Still have problems with confusion, slow thinking, or memory? If so, you may eligible to take part in a study testing a new form of cognitive training designed to improve how quickly you process information and perform daily activities. The study pays participants $20 per training session on average. The training program, which requires several visits to UAB, can be tailored to fit your schedule. If you are interested, please call 205-934-9768 or email stacemc@uab.edu.
Published in Clinical Trials
We are looking for healthy individuals to participate in a study to examine the effects of buprenorphine and baclofen in humans. This pilot study will be used to gather initial evidence to assess the analgesic interaction, safety, acceptability, and feasibility of using buprenorphine and baclofen in humans before conducting a larger clinical trial to examine efficacy in patients. We will be giving participants a one-time low dose of a partial opioid agonist buprenorphine or baclofen. Participants will be required to attend two visits one week apart and asked to complete questionnaires, pain testing, and a blood draw. Participants will receive up to $150 for completing the study. You may not be eligible to participate if you have significant health problems, are pregnant, or are taking certain medications. Please contact Tammie at tquinn@uab.edu or call 205-934-8743. Leave a short message with your name, number, and mention that you are interested in the BACUP study.
Published in Clinical Trials
We are looking for individuals to participate in a study that aims to gain a better understanding of risk factors for insomnia in people with and without the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and to observe its effects on pain sensitivity and inflammation. This study will consist of several various in-person visits that span from 3 visits within an 8-day period, and if qualified for the second branch of this study, an additional 6 visits once a week for the following 6 weeks. During the visits, participants will be asked to complete a sleep interview, wear a sleep device overnight, answer questionnaires, as well as perform pain testing and blood draws. Participants will be compensated appropriately for their time. You may qualify if you have good or bad sleep and are above the age of 18. We are recruiting both individuals who are HIV positive and individuals who are HIV negative. Please contact Dyan at dywhite@uab.edu or call 205-934-8734. Leave a short message with your name, number, and mention that you are interested in the HIPPI study.
Published in Clinical Trials
The Better BP study is currently enrolling 660 adults to take part in a research study about how to measure blood pressure. We are seeking adults older than 19 years of age who are not currently taking medications for high blood pressure, have no history of cardiovascular disease or major arrhythmias, no known sleep apnea and not known to be currently pregnant. Participants will be compensated $150 for completing four study visits in the UAB Hypertension Research Clinic located at the 19th Street Community Health Bldg. To confirm your eligibility for this study, please call 205-934-1400 or email bpstudy@uab.edu to schedule your telephone screening, which should take approximately 10 minutes.
Published in Clinical Trials
This study is being done to assess how well individuals can modify walking patterns. If you qualify, we anticipate that your participation in the study will span a single study visit, with a total time commitment of 3 hours. You will be compensated for your time. Please e-mail Daniel Kuhman at dkuhman@uab.edu or contact him by phone at 205-934-0416 if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
You may be eligible to participate in a UAB research study comparing medications if you are 18 years of age or older, in good physical health, and have tried at least one antidepressant medication. You must be in a current depressive episode, feeling sad, down, hopeless, guilty, tense, or irritable.  You will receive compensation for your time. Please call (205) 934-2484 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu for more information.
Published in Clinical Trials
If you have major depressive disorder (MDD) and are in a current depressive episode, we invite you to learn about a research study of an investigational drug that is taken with your current antidepressant medication. In this study, researchers will evaluate the safety and efficacy of the investigational drug as an add-on therapy to your current antidepressant medication. To prequalify for this study you must be 18 to 65 years of age, have been diagnosed with recurrent MDD, be in a current major depressive episode for at least the last 8 weeks, and not experiencing a satisfactory improvement in your symptoms of depression with your current treatment. All study-related visits, tests, and drugs will be provided at no cost. In addition, reimbursement for study-related travel may be provided. Please call (205) 934-2484 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu for more information.
Published in Clinical Trials
Are you in good physical health? Are you Caucasian/white? Are you between the ages of 34 and 65? Have you never been diagnosed with a psychiatric condition? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a study requiring a one-time blood draw. Compensation provided. Please call (205) 934-2484 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu for more information.
Published in Clinical Trials
If so, you may qualify for a research study being conducted at the University of Alabama Birmingham. We are seeking people between 45 and 85 years of age to participate in a study of brain and breathing treatments for arthritis pain. The study involves seven visits over a three-week period to the study center at the University of Alabama Birmingham, where clinical tests and brain stimulation treatment will be done, along with brain scanning. Participants will receive $350 for completing the study. If you are interested, please call the PROACT Study at 205-934-9614.
Published in Clinical Trials
There is a new study that will examine the impact of a particular type of intermittent fasting called time-restricted feeding on symptoms of MS, as well as risks of diabetes and high blood pressure in adults with relapsing-remitting MS. The purpose is to see if when you eat might be as important as what you eat. You may be eligible if you have relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis, are between the ages of 18-64 years old, and can walk 25 feet with or without assistance. If you qualify, this study will last 8 weeks and offers an opportunity to be compensated for your participation. If you are interested in learning more about this study, or if have any questions, please contact the project coordinator, Kathryn Green, at 205-319-1424, or email our lab at HBDLab@uabmc.edu
Published in Clinical Trials
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  • UAB This Week: Aug. 10

    This week is all about progress: Opening of the new UAB Police headquarters, mixing personal medicine and politics and revealing the beauty of Collat's "Steps to Success." See it online. All in one video.

    posted a while back 2898 views
  • UAB This Week: Aug. 3

    This week, UAB is on the move. Teens tackle dangerous driving habits in a simulator, a new Blazer-themed locomotive takes to the tracks and summer graduates prepare to launch Aug. 10-11. See it online. All in one video.

    posted a while back 3051 views
  • UAB This Week; July 27

    This week is all about making strides. The UAB Kidney Chain passed 100 transplants. Students showcased their work in the summer EXPO. And football fans got a peek inside the upcoming season. See it online. All in one video.

    posted a while back 2648 views
  • UAB This Week: July 20

    This week, high school students learn how to be cyber detectives, WBRC FOX6 pays it forward to an artist-in-residence on campus and two online degrees earn honors. See it online. All in one video.

    posted a while back 2734 views
  • UAB This Week: July 13

    This week, a common blood pressure drug is revealed to be an effective therapy for Type I diabetes, a team from NSF is helping faculty and staff better understand how to commercialize their technology and work on the new intramural fields is nearly complete. See it online. All in one video.

    posted a while back 2904 views
  • UAB This Week

    This week is all about getting our hands on the missing As, Bs and Os, getting a handle on the heat and putting our hands together for a great season of performances to come at the Alys Stephens Center. See it online. All in one video.

    posted a while back 3021 views
  • UAB THIS WEEK: June 8

    This week is all about being being young and highly accomplished, working together to deliver on the promise of tomorrow and making fun and fitness attractive.

    posted a while back 2902 views
  • UAB This Week: June 1

    This week, docs and vets team up to test therapies that could benefit mankind — and its best friends. The police chief tries his hand at demolition derby, and the city's food trucks are ready for their close-up on the Food Network. Learn more all in one video. Catch up in about a minute.

    posted a while back 3101 views
  • UAB This Week: May 25
    UAB Medicine's robotic surgery program — a national leader — celebrates a milestone 10,000 procedures an UAB Hospital earns accolades for its commitment to providing an outstanding patient experience. Better still, a lung transplant gives a teen the chance to graduate high school and live a more normal life.
    posted a while back 2961 views
  • UAB This Week: May 18

    This week is all about working together — to combat a physician shortage, accelerate medical breakthroughs and promote college readiness. Learn more all in one video. Catch up in about a minute.

    posted a while back 3019 views