Linda Gunter
| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.In its first three months, Blazer Kitchen has distributed more than 6,000 pounds of fresh and non-perishable foods for employees, students and their families.
Blaze topiary to get new life and a winter home
Employee Wellness proves it pays to be healthy
More than 1,900 employees were rewarded for good health based on results of this year's Wellscreens.
UAB is a living laboratory for “modeling green practices” says the U.S. Department of Education in naming it a Green Ribbon school.
A contract with the privately operated center will help UAB expand child-care options for employees while it moves forward with plans to attract a new, privately operated facility on or near campus.
Kirkland named interim dean of School of Education
Lynn Kirkland, chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, will become interim dean, and Deborah Voltz will return to the faculty, effective July 1.
Fourth provost candidate to make public presentation May 5
Four candidates for the position of senior vice president of Academic Affairs and provost will make public presentations between April 21 and May 5. Chaden Djalali, dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at University of Iowa, will be the final of four candidates to interview, and he will present May 5.