November 2014 - The Reporter

The Critical Support site at walks users through a six-step process they can follow in high stress situations to help ensure a safe and successful outcome for all involved — and each step includes additional guidance and support tools.

Published in Employee Safety
Experts at ATTIS 2023 shared reports from the front lines, including how they are using ChatGPT in their labs, the need for regulation and why this is a “tremendous time” for health care.
We are looking for transgender men and non-binary people who are at least 18 years old interested in starting testosterone therapy to participate in a sexual health research study. Call the UAB Sexual Health Research Clinic at 205-934-8166. Compensation provided.
Published in Clinical Trials
UAB labs can get free freezer maintenance and any Blazer can pick up a few recycled ice packs — perfect for keeping lunches cool — thanks to the university’s research sustainability efforts.
Published in Sustainability
Help us find out by joining our study at UAB You may be eligible to participate in the PRECISION-BP research study investigating the effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan or Valsartan on your body’s 24-hour rhythm of a hormone in your blood called natriuretic peptides. This hormone and the study medications are related to the heart. Eligible participants must be obese (BMI: 30-45 kg/m2) men and women, have high blood pressure, and have no history of heart or kidney problems. The study involves wearing a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours, 24-hour inpatient visits at UAB hospital, taking medications, and collecting blood and urine samples. Meals will be provided at no cost. Participants will be compensated $575 for completing the study visits. Please e-mail Nehal at or call us at 205-934-7173 if you are interested
Published in Clinical Trials

Jie Gao, Camerron Crowder, Ken Marion and James B. McClintock demonstrated extraordinary commitment to engaging undergraduate students in service learning, undergraduate research and education-abroad experiences.

Published in Awards & Honors

For the eighth year, UAB is recognized by the National Arbor Day Foundation for its work to nurture more than 4,400 healthy trees and engage students and employees in conservation. UAB also was honored for the fourth time with a Tree Campus Healthcare designation, which recognizes health institutions that make a mission-aligned impact on community wellness through tree education, investment and community engagement.

Published in Sustainability

Radio Paging now is offering a variety of portable and stationary two-way radios, all of which comply with UAB’s security standards and can help employees communicate more effectively across campus during emergency events such as fire or inclement weather.

Published in Campus Safety
We are actively recruiting for research studies focused on women with one of the following conditions:

1. Accidental bowel leakage (fecal incontinence)
2. Urinary leakage (urinary incontinence)

Please call 205-934-5498 to learn more about these studies.
Published in Clinical Trials
If you are currently pregnant, 18 or older, planning to deliver at UAB, and planning to breast feed, you may be eligible for our study!

This study focuses on better understanding breast milk composition, the presence or absence of CMV in breast milk, and its possible transmission to babies. CMV is a common virus that most people in the US are infected with by adulthood. Participants will meet with study staff once a month for six months to collect non-invasive samples and answer a questionnaire. Samples collected include oral swabs from you and your baby, a small quantity of breast milk and a skin swab from you, as well as a urine and stool sample from your baby. Participants will be compensated up to $300 for completing the study visits and providing samples. Eligible participants may also qualify for additional sub-studies for additional compensation up to $800.

For more information, please contact us via phone or email at:
Phone: 205-975-3752
Published in Clinical Trials
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