November 2014 - The Reporter
Treatment for Urge Urinary Leakage: BEST Study

This study will compare the effectiveness of two different treatments for urge urinary incontinence (UUI). One treatment is Botox injections in the bladder, and the other is an oral medication (mirabegron or vibegron).

Participants compensated up to $425.

For more information about this study, please email or at or 205-934-5498.
Published in Clinical Trials
Over its 28 years, this signature program has awarded grants totaling almost $60 million. Meet recipients and see how the HSF-GEF grants make UAB “a place where, if you have a good idea, you can find the support to make it a reality.”
Published in Funding Opportunities
Carolina Harada, M.D., professor in the Department of Medical Education, received HSF-GEF grants to provide mentorship and recognition for junior faculty clinician educators at all six health professions schools at UAB. Participants have been promoted, published research, taken on leadership roles and won teaching awards.
Published in Achievements
Anna Sorace, Ph.D., core director and associate professor in the Department of Radiology, has leveraged HSF-GEF grants to help grow UAB’s nuclear imaging program.
Published in Achievements
Daniel Chu, M.D., division director of GI Surgery, leveraged an HSF-GEF grant to help Enhanced Recovery Programs reach widespread use at UAB and establish himself as a leader in the field.
Published in Achievements

Carlie Stein Somerville, M.D., an associate professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine, turned an HSF-GEF grant into a nationally recognized program that provides multidisciplinary support to help young adults transition to adult care. Four years later, “we have been able to show the impact that we can make with patients and families,” she said.

Published in Achievements
A partnership between pediatrician Snehal Khatri, M.D., and program director Betsy Hopson will focus on care for patients across the lifespan, including addressing palliative and memory challenges. The unique approach was made possible through an HSF-GEF grant.
Published in Achievements
Michael Mugavero, M.D., professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases, received HSF-GEF funding to launch the UAB Learning Health System project, where the people setting the research questions are not individual investigators with their own niche interests, “but the people in the trenches.”
Published in Achievements
Gabriela Oates, Ph.D., director of UAB’s institutional Social Determinants of Health Core, is leading a project funded by an HSF-GEF grant to improve care by combining patient records with their residential information. The goal: “to improve patient care and people’s health.”
Published in Achievements
Meet Candi Mosley and Shali Zhang, M.D., two regulars at UAB’s on-campus food pantry. The work helps her feel “useful outside my job… and it is fun,” Zhang said. Added Mosley: “You get to meet so many people.”
Published in Get Involved
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