November 2014 - The Reporter
Mitochondrial DNA determines oxidant levels and may further explain why some people get sick and others don’t.
Published in Research & Scholarship
UAB is participating in the Strong Start for Mothers and Newborns initiative to find the best ways to eliminate long-term health problems for at-risk women and their children.
Published in UAB Magazine
Fogger has more than 30 years’ experience as a psychiatric/mental health nurse.
Published in Awards & Honors
Hodges has served at the state level in leadership positions, as well as nationally on several committees
Published in Awards & Honors
The program, which offers a major and a minor, promotes an appreciation of the different values and structures of the world’s diverse societies.
Published in Faculty Appointments
This annual award honors individuals who engage in interdisciplinary, collaborative efforts across campus in ways that embody the vision vital to the future of UAB.
Published in Awards & Honors
Lawrence Sincich, Ph.D., received a $1.81 million NIH National Eye Institute award for work that will lead to better understanding of color perception in the brain.
Published in Extramural Awards
Ryder, a student in the University Honors Program, is a double major in biology and anthropology with minors in Middle Eastern studies and chemistry.
Published in Academics
UAB researcher to develop medical decision making guide for minority patients with lupus.
Published in Awards & Honors
Saxena’s research aims to make mobile interactions and transactions more simple and secure. His was one of 105 projects funded.
Published in Awards & Honors
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