November 2014 - The Reporter
Pharmacist responsible for managing machines that administer 90 to 95 percent of all medications used in hospital
Published in Awards & Honors

Philosophy professor Greg Pence argues that careful, ethical people can use scientific advances to improve their fates

Published in Research & Scholarship
UAB will promote teaching skills and showcase research findings in medical education during Medical Education Week Sept. 24-28
Published in Learning & Development

Long-term study seeks people ages 30-65 who never have been diagnosed with cancer

Published in Get Involved

One of the nation’s most respected programs will benefit from the synergy and expertise of Nursing’s advanced-practice faculty

Published in Academics

Max Michael envisions a space for UAB and the community to gather, tap their imaginations, develop new ideas and solve difficult problems.

Published in Tools & Technology
Engineering senior design students have contributed devices to aid those with cerebral palsy, autism and other disabilities under his guidance
Published in Awards & Honors

UAB and Birmingham stepped up to fight the virus that causes AIDS years ago when it could have easily turned away

Published in Patient Care

UAB's new Scanning Electron Microscope, recently purchased with a $550,000 grant from the NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program, magnifies images up to 100,000x

Published in Tools & Technology
UAB now is offering its first fully online Bachelor of Science in Accounting program.
Published in Tools & Technology
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