November 2014 - The Reporter

Share your thoughts on work and life at UAB and identify strengths and opportunities for improvement in an anonymous, online survey Feb.6-20.

Published in Campus News
UAB’s Green Labs program has grown 700% in six years and now has more than 150 participating labs. New this year: sterilizer streamlining, freezer loans, Styrofoam baling and a vast cache of glass.
Published in Sustainability
Scientists participating in the UAB Green Labs program explain why they take part, the biggest changes they made and how it has affected their labs.
Published in Sustainability
If you’re being treated for MDD and your current antidepressant medication(s) is not working, the SAVITRI Study might interest you. The SAVITRI Study is researching a potential MDD therapy to improve symptoms of depression, and you may be able to participate. This research study is now enrolling adults diagnosed with MDD. Those who qualify will receive the investigational medication (or placebo), study-specific medical exams, and study-specific laboratory tests at no cost. Participants in the SAVITRI Study must: be 18 to 65 years of age; have a clinical diagnosis of MDD; be currently on antidepressant medication(s); have had inadequate response to up to 5 oral antidepressant medications; and fulfill other eligibility criteria. For more information, please call (205) 996-5987 or email Please mention SAVITRI in your message.
Published in Clinical Trials
Do you have a loved one with agitation associated with Alzheimer’s dementia? Is their agitation becoming overwhelming? Examples of some easily identifiable agitated behaviors are: restlessness, screaming, shouting, throwing things, resistiveness, constant unwarranted requests for attention or help, pacing/aimless wandering, kicking, hitting others or self, pushing people, hurting self or others, tearing things or destroying property. In this study, researchers want to find out if an investigational drug called AVP-786 is safe and effective (useful) in managing agitation in adults with Alzheimer’s dementia, when compared to a placebo. If you are a caregiver for a person with Alzheimer’s disease, please call (205) 996-5987 or email for more information.
Published in Clinical Trials

Each year, some 100,000 Americans have surgery to repair the knee’s anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL. But treatment and prevention best practices continue to evolve. Hear from a surgeon and a physical therapist on the latest thinking at UAB.

Published in Advances
The RECOVER study was designed in partnership with many of the nation’s top experts in treatment-resistant depression, and approved by Medicare, to provide additional evidence of the benefit of VNS Therapy. If the results confirm previous studies, Medicare and other insurers may start to cover it.

People who participate in RECOVER will receive VNS Therapy and all study-related care at no cost to them.

To join the RECOVER study, you must be 18 years or
older and:

1. Currently depressed
2. Have depression, or bipolar depression, that has lasted for at least two years or recurred several times
3. Have tried at least four types of antidepressant treatments and not found them helpful
4. Have Medicare Insurance
Published in Clinical Trials

Employees can learn about compliance with the Americans with Disabilities and Rehabilitation acts, explore best practices for engaging with students with disabilities, and access key resources during a new online training from UAB Disability Support Services.

Published in Learning & Development

Anath Shalev, M.D., did everything she could to change treatment for Type 1 diabetes from her lab, but getting to first-in-human trials meant taking a step she had always resisted. The most surprising thing about launching a startup, though? “I have enjoyed it.”

Published in Achievements
We are currently seeking Gulf War Veterans to participate in a brain imaging research study. Healthy Gulf War Veterans and Veterans with chronic health problems are invited to participate. Participation involves 1-2 visits to UAB for 2.5 hours total. Participants undergo MRI brain scan, blood draw, and complete several questionnaires. Participants who complete the study receive $150 compensation. Please email or call 205-434-1502 for more information and to find out if you're eligible.
Published in Clinical Trials
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