November 2014 - The Reporter
Researchers at the UAB are conducting a study to investigate how daily consumption of types of foods influences body weight and composition and other outcomes related to the risk of certain diseases. If you are age 18-50 you may be eligible to participate. Participation involves attending 5 study visits, consuming a food item daily for 30 days and acquiring measures related to body weight, body composition and glucose metabolism. You will be compensated for completing the study. For more information please call 205-975-4113.
Published in Clinical Trials

Want that office event you’re planning to have a big personality while leaving a small environmental footprint? These recommendations from UAB Sustainability can help you make adjustments to ensure your events are as green as possible.

Published in Sustainability

UAB staff and faculty share what drives them to volunteer their time for community-focused projects like the upcoming InnoHack 2020 event.

Published in UAB in the Community

Investigators attract major grants to use AI on failed drug trials, cell-free DNA and puzzling CT scans.

UAB BTS logo FINALUAB students, faculty and staff volunteered with students at Goshen High School in Pike County, Alabama, as part of the Black Belt Friday Bus Tour.

Published in Behind the Scenes

Human Resources enhances the learning experience for campus faculty and staff through an enhanced, user-friendly design. 

Published in Learning & Development

Gregg Gilbert, DDS, whose landmark oral health research connected practicing dentists with university investigators and earned the largest federal grant in UAB history, will receive the highest honor of the Academic Health Center.

Published in Awards & Honors

Lisa Schwiebert, Ph.D., will receive the 2020 Distinguished Service Award from the National Postdoctoral Association during its annual conference in March.

Published in Awards & Honors

UAB Safe streamWinter can be a discouraging time. During short days, long nights and freezing temperatures, it’s easy to choose staying home over braving cold temperatures or let exercise routines lapse in favor of curling up under a blanket. Learn about resources UAB offers for coping with seasonal affective disorder and other mental health issues.

Published in Campus Safety

retro art streamIn 1975, UAB completed a pedestrian bridge crossing University Boulevard at 13th Street South to accommodate a quickly growing student population. This year, UAB art students brightened the footbridge with a UAB-themed mural.

Published in Retro'spectives
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