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July 30, 2013
National women’s HIV study comes to UAB
Published in
Extramural Awards
October 02, 2013
UAB professor touted for her tweets
Published in
Awards & Honors
October 02, 2013
Four join Division of Cardiovascular Disease
Published in
Faculty Appointments
October 02, 2013
Wittig inducted into PR Hall of Fame
Wittig was honored for making significant contributions to the field and having mentored many public relations practitioners in the region.
Published in
Awards & Honors
September 30, 2013
UAB professors named among 10 Smart Women
The women will be honored at the Fund’s Smart Party event, a high-tech cocktail party and fundraiser benefitting The Women’s Fund.
Published in
Awards & Honors
September 30, 2013
UAB’s Alys Stephens Center, ArtPlay present Ailey Revelations residency
The ASC and ArtPlay will present their first season-long artist collaboration, which begins with an Ailey Revelations Residency Oct. 7-11 for middle school students and teachers.
Published in
Arts & Recreation
February 19, 2013
Ophthalmology wins Research to Prevent Blindness grant
To date, the organization has awarded grants totaling $3,745,000 to the School of Medicine.
Published in
Extramural Awards
The Diabetes Research Center (DRC) focuses on developing new methods to treat, prevent and ultimately cure diabetes and its complications.
Published in
Extramural Awards
The primary investigators are examining whether age- and race-related differences in the biomechanics of the optic nerve head may contribute to this risk.
Published in
Extramural Awards
The UAB School of Dentistry received more funding from the National Institutes of Health in 2012 than any other school of dentistry in the nation.
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Extramural Awards