Linda Gunter

Linda Gunter

(205) 975-5533

Covered employees whose household income, based on family size, is 1.5 times the federal poverty level or less, are eligible for funds to offset the cost of medical premiums.

The policies govern access and use of sensitive data and university computers and networks. The full text is available online.

A decades-long fixture on the corner of 20th Street South and University Boulevard is closing its doors for good.

The new strategic plan sets groundwork for the university's next five years of growth.

As a public employee with expectations of appropriate stewardship, you may not use your position to reap private gains or receive special benefits.

A new initiative identifies increased cooperation among metro area governments as a key to economic and population growth for the entire MSA. Share your ideas Nov. 29.

A representative from will lead two workshops Nov. 15-16 for managers and employees interested in learning about the free Lynda membership benefit.

In addition to Christmas Day — a scheduled holiday that occurs on a Monday this year — President Ray Watts has decided also to close the university campus Dec. 26 to provide additional time off for employees.

Learning and Development offers result-oriented workshops free to UAB employees. Learn more and register online.

Several resources are available to help you make the selections that are best for your household during annual open enrollment.

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