Every two years, UAB provides university employees access to training to refresh our commitment and support of civility and respect at UAB. Starting Tuesday, Oct. 17, UAB will enroll university faculty (Workgroup F) and staff (Workgroup A) in a Preventing Discrimination and Harassment course.
There are two versions of the course: Prevent Discrimination and Harassment — Faculty and Staff, and Prevent Discrimination and Harassment — Supervisors. You will be assigned one program based on your job role.
We appreciate your commitment to this endeavor and look forward to continuing to strengthen a culture of mutual respect at UAB.
Review the Frequently Asked Questions below to find out more details about the program.
Who should take this course?
University faculty (Workgroup F) and staff (Workgroup A) have the opportunity to take this course. You are encouraged to take the training unless you have completed it in the last six months.
Which course will I take?
You will be assigned a version of the course depending on your job role (i.e., Prevent Discrimination and Harassment for Faculty and Staff, or Prevent Discrimination and Harassment for Supervisors).
How do I access the course?
Starting Oct. 17, you can access the course by the following methods:
- Enrollment Email: An automatic email from the campus LMS will be sent to you. The email will come from campuslms@docebo.uab.edu. This email provides course information, a direct link to the course and contact information for technical issues. If you are unable to locate your email, you can check your spam or junk folder or follow the directions below to access the course.
- Campus Learning System
- Access the Campus Learning System at uab.edu/campuslms and log in with your BlazerID and password.
- Search the course at the top by the title.
- Click the course to begin.
How long does it take to complete the course?
The course takes approximately 30 minutes, and you have the option to complete it in multiple sittings.
Do I have to take this course?
We encourage all employees to participate in this optional training every two years to enhance the climate of civility and respect at UAB.
Whom do I contact with technical issues?
If you have any issues accessing or taking the course, please reach out to campuslearning@uab.edu.
The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; the Office of Human Resources; and the Title IX Office provide resources and services to support a culture of mutual respect. If you have additional questions, please reach out to the following:
- Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, 205-934-0541
- Human Resources, 205-934-4458
- Title IX, 205-996-1340