The program is designed to provide new managers with basic management and leadership skills, as well as to acquaint them with the ins and outs of doing business at UAB, says Chief Human Resource Officer Cheryl Locke.

“Senior leadership recognizes that, as a university, we need to have a common management philosophy and common practices when it comes to leading employees,” Locke says. “Also, critical information for a new manager, including UAB policies and procedures, is covered in this training.”

Effective immediately, all new managers in university staff positions will be required to take this training within the first six months of their new position. This includes managers new to UAB, as well as those UAB employees who are promoted into manager positions. Components of this training will be incorporated into faculty leadership programs that currently are being designed. The hospital also will be considering topics from this training to include as possible additions to hospital managers training.

Locke said a core element of the three-day program will be its “UAB Mission and Culture” component, which will be covered during a one-hour lunch each session day. Current managers are welcomed and encouraged to take the training, either by participating in the entire program or by selecting the sections they believe will be most valuable to them as managers.

The program, which can be taken on non-consecutive days, includes:

Day 1
• Preparing to be an Effective Supervisor
    - Introduction to Supervision
    - Interviewing and Selection
    - Corrective Action and Problem Resolution
    - Performance Management

Day 2
• Valuing and Managing Diversity and the Multigenerational Workforce
• Positive Opposition: Productive Strategies for Managing Individual and Team Conflict
• Prescription for Success: Understanding Employment Laws, Personnel Policies and Positive         Management Practices

Day 3
• Harassment Awareness
• Finance Policies and Procedures
• How to Get Things Done at UAB

For more information on the program, contact Mary Floyd in Training & Development at 934-3359 or .