UAB faculty are encouraged to submit essays for the Conner Prize in the history of ideas by Wednesday, Sept. 17.

The term “history of ideas” is to be interpreted liberally, as including a broad range of interdisciplinary concerns.  The prize carries an award of $250.

An original and three copies of each essay must be submitted to Claire Peel, interim associate provost for Faculty Development and Faculty Affairs, UAB, Room 374, Administration Building. Contact Dr. Claire Peel, 4-0513 or e-mail for more information.

The prize will be awarded in November, 2008, provided that three or more entries are received.  If fewer than three entries are submitted, the prize will be awarded the following fall or at any succeeding fall when sufficient entries are received.

Published and unpublished essays may be submitted; published essays should have appeared no earlier than August 2007. All entries should be submitted in a form “suitable for publication,” i.e., including standard footnotes and references.

The entries will be reviewed anonymously by a panel of judges; therefore, the author’s name should not appear anywhere in the essay.  Each submission must be accompanied by a cover sheet identifying the author.

The Conner Prize is named for Frederick W. Conner, who served as vice president for Academic Affairs at the University of Florida, dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at The University of Alabama and dean of the School of Arts & Humanities at UAB.